Our PhD researchers

These are the PhD researchers currently studying at the International Institute of Social Studies. Scroll through the list to see their research profiles and publications lists.

  • I (Isbah) Hameed, MA

    Climate change, Water crisis, Climate Adaptation, STS.
    I (Isbah) Hameed, MA
  • MA (Muhammad Aslam) Hammal

    MA (Muhammad Aslam) Hammal
  • dr. JD (Jeff) Handmaker

    I joined the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), which is the Hague Campus of Erasmus University Rotterdam in February 2007. Among my external…
    dr. JD (Jeff) Handmaker
  • prof.dr. W (Wendy) Harcourt

    **Wendy Harcourt is Professor of Gender, Diversity and Sustainable Development at the International Institute of Social Studies of the Erasmus University in The…
    prof.dr. W (Wendy) Harcourt
  • dr. S (Silke) Heumann

    Silke Heumann is a Sociologist and Assistant Professor (Senior Lecturer) in the Major Social Justice Perspectives (SJP). Her areas of expertise and interest are…
    dr. S (Silke) Heumann
  • prof.dr.ir. DJM (Thea) Hilhorst

    I am an expert in development in areas affected by disaster, conflict or fragility, with a special focus on aid-society relations: the impact of humanitarian…
    prof.dr.ir. DJM (Thea) Hilhorst
  • RW (Ralph Willem) Hoetmer

    RW (Ralph Willem) Hoetmer
  • prof.dr. RE (Rolph) van der Hoeven

    Rolph van der Hoeven, PhD, Free University of Amsterdam is Professor of Employment and Development Economics at the Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in The…
    prof.dr. RE (Rolph) van der Hoeven
  • AB (Alemayehu Begna) Hordofa, LL.M

    Alemayehu B. Hordofa is a Ph.D. researcher at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS-Erasmus University Rotterdam) working on humanitarian…
    AB (Alemayehu Begna) Hordofa, LL.M
  • W (Wenxiao) Hou

    W (Wenxiao) Hou

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