There is a vibrant and diverse PhD community at the International Institute of Social Studies. Researchers are based for at least part of their PhD trajectory at ISS in The Hague and are members of various representative bodies as well as social and support groups.

ISS PhD Study Association
PhD researchers are organized in the ISS PhD Study Association (IPSA). All PhD researchers are welcome to join the Executive Council of this association, for which they receive a small payment.
IPSA objectives
- To represent the interests and voices of IPSA members within the International Institute of Social Studies and Erasmus University Rotterdam;
- To enhance accountability of PhD representatives and coordinators serving on the IPSA Executive Council and to ensure the proper handover of responsibilities to new representatives and coordinators;To organize or encourage participation of IPSA members in a range of activities, including, but not limited to, social, educational, research-related, and fundraising activities.
- To maintain one central budget for PhD activities, which may include, but are not limited to, social, fundraising activities, and the facilitation of hardship/emergency funds for IPSA members;
- To function as a platform for information and support for new and existing PhD researchers; and
- To serve as an institutional link between the ISS Staff, ISS administration, ISS MA student association and EUR PhD Councils.
The IPSA Executive Council represents the ISS PhD community on several representative bodies (see below).
The IPSA Executive Council also has a coordinator who acts as treasurer and secretary and a social coordinator responsible for coordinating social activities within IPSA.
Representative bodies
PhD researchers are represented on and collaborate with several ISS and EUR bodies:
- Research Degree Committee - responsible for the ISS PhD programme
- Research Committee - provides advice to ISS management on all matters pertaining to research
- Institute Council - representative body of ISS' students and staff
- Institute Board - daily management of ISS in regular consultation with the Institute Council
- Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Humanities - offer courses, support and guidance to PhD researchers
Social events
The PhD community has two social committee representatives who organize social events such as barbecues, film nights, shared dinners, picnics and day trips around the Netherlands.
An essential part of the PhD journey also includes lunches with colleagues and coffee breaks in the PhD common room.