
ISS has a growing network of 14,000+ alumni in more than 150 countries. A strong global network of development professionals, This ISS alumni community brings you opportunities for lifelong learning, professional development and social connections throughout your career.

ISS alumni include all ISS graduates from the diploma programmes, the MA programmes and the PhD programme.

A word from our rector

Happy new year, ISS alumni! - video message from ISS rector Ruard Ganzevoort

Happy new year, ISS alumni! - video message from ISS rector Ruard Ganzevoort

ISS alumni in the news

ISS alumni and their careers

Find a great overview of more than 6,000 ISS alumni on LinkedIn: Where they live, where they work and what they do. It's easy to make selections and find the people you are interested in.

You can also find a nice overview of alumni profiles showcasing in what kind of jobs our former students work. 

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