Pluralistic research
ISS research projects are set up in line with the pluralistic methods anchored in the ISS research programme. Our projects are interdisciplinary, involving researchers from across the social sciences.
Highlighted projects
Environmental monitoRIng through Civic engAgement - ERICA
Supporting citizens’ environmental awareness and civic engagement through citizen science

Challenges faced by LGBTQ+ youth and refugees
Enabling a better understanding of the life experiences of LGBTQ youth and refugees in The Hague

Societal changes and the decision to migrate - PACES
Making migration and migration policy decisions amidst societal transformations

Our research projects
Our multidisciplinary, pluralistic research projects fall within one or more of our four research themes. Some projects only touch on one theme, others on all four.
Take a look at our projects in more detail on our theme pages.
List of all our ongoing and most recent projects
Why and how conflicts occur and how to achieve peace
Related research projects
- Understanding transactional sex in situations of humanitarian crises (ListenH)
- Humanitarian governance: accountability, advocacy, alternatives
- Strengthening Law, Democratization and Media in Ethiopia (LA-DEM-MED)
- Legal Mobilization: Analyzing law-based advocacy
- When disaster meets conflict
- Transformative Methodologies
The transformations of national societies and global society
Related research projects
- Removal infrastructures for Syrians in Lebanon and Turkey (REMOVED)
- Revisiting the Migration-Development Nexus from a Cross-Border Perspective
- LGBTQ+ youth and refugees
- Making migration and migration policy decisions amidst societal transformations (PACES)
- Technological change in the agro-food sector in the Netherlands
- Changing our story: The pursuit of inclusive education (E+CHOS)
- Deporting foreigners: Contested norms in international practice (NORMS)
- Understanding transactional sex in situations of humanitarian crises (ListenH)
- Migrant Labour in Dutch Agriculture: Regulated Precarity
- Strengthening Education and Training Capacity in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Uganda (SET-SRHR)
- 'Count us in': Towards realizing health rights among undocumented people
- Humanitarian governance: accountability, advocacy, alternatives
- Transformative Methodologies
- Deporting foreigners: Constested norms in international practice
Conserving natural resources for sustainable development
Related research projects
- Fiction, Literature, Indigenous Storytelling and History (FLORISH)
- Environmental monitoRIng through Civic engAgement
- All eyes on the Amazon
- Green industrial policy in the age of rare metals (GRIP-ARM)
- Commodity & land rushes and regimes (RRUSHES-5)
- Well-being, ecology, gender and community (WEGO)
- The rise of digital farming
- Transitioning to the circular economy (ReTraCe)
- Legal Mobilization: Analyzing law-based advocacy
- Humanitarian governance: accountability, advocacy, alternatives
- Transformative Methodologies
Reducing poverty and vulnerability
Research projects