The International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) strives to find solutions to today’s global problems. To this end, we nurture the co-creation of excellence, and the sharing of knowledge and best practices. By bringing people, organizations, ideas and insights together in a multi-disciplinary setting, ISS develops, fosters and promotes critical thinking, and conducts excellent and innovative research in response to society’s needs.
ISS engages and impacts through its collaborations with various institutions, both internationally and locally, to engage with society and so find solutions to today’s global problems. Check out some examples of how we do this:
Local and international collaborations to find solutions to global problems
Research collaboration between The Hague and ISS
Encouraging and formalizing collaboration between ISS and other societal actors in The Hague

The Hague Humanity Hub
A unique network in The Hague working in the field of Peace & Justice

SAIL platform
Dutch platform for organizations of higher education, research and capacity building

Research InSightS
Researchers at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) find responses to today’s global challenges. Amongst others by using a critical approach, co-creating knowledge with different actors and sharing our findings.
The Research InSightS page highlights several of these research projects and publications.
Bite-sized pieces of ISS research
Finding responses to today’s global challenges