The International Institute of Social Studies is a member and current chair of SAIL - the platform in which Dutch organizations focusing on international higher education, research and capacity building are organized.
The platform addresses the generation and dissemination of knowledge on inclusive sustainable development around the world with a focus on the Global South and emerging economies.
Members of the SAIL platform
- African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL)
- Faculty of Geo Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of the University of Twente
- Institute for Water Education (IHE-Delft)
- Institute of Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) of Erasmus University Rotterdam
- International Institute of Social Studies (ISS)
- Maastricht School of Management (MSM)
- Royal Tropical Institute (KIT)
The platform is active in:
- Research and Education; cross sectoral research and teaching with a focus on societal impact. They often combine findings from areas in economics, development studies, sociology, water resources management, agriculture, business administration, political science, spatial planning and management and health management at the local level with global data, thus enhancing the understanding of the relationship between globalization and sustainable development. Our research and education often take a multidisciplinary approach and may have either a country perspective, or a focus on supply chains, sectors, or specific topics, such as environmental, social and health issues.
- Capacity building through training and consulting; translating cutting-edge knowledge into practical solutions and new insights for management practice, policy and business development, social transformation, international cooperation and local knowledge infrastructure. This applies particularly to countries where restructuring, reform and privatization processes require the transfer of knowledge and expertise. SAIL closely cooperates in this endeavour with its local partners and its alumni network to build on indigenous experience and local knowledges, taking into account the particular circumstances in the region/country concerned. For examples, see the websites of the SAIL institutions.
- Partnership building; SAIL operates as a platform for knowledge transfer, and for exchanges between and among governments, international organizations, MNEs, SMEs, CSOs and other stakeholders from North and South. This is undertaken in specific projects or in a more general way through e.g. workshops and conferences. Partnerships, generally of a long-term nature, are built by combining research expertise with experience in training and consulting. In this process, SAIL pays attention to the opportunities of international, regional and local partnerships, but also to the dilemmas and potential pitfalls involved. The already existing international network of the platform is vital in the further development of this partnership function.