The KidsRights Index is an initiative of the KidsRights Foundation, in cooperation with Erasmus University Rotterdam: the International Institute of Social Studies and Erasmus School of Economics.
It is the annual global index which ranks how countries adhere to and are equipped to improve children’s rights.
It comprises a ranking for all UN member states that have ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and for which sufficient data is available, a total of 182 countries.
'21% rise in child rights violations worldwide in situations of war and armed conflict'
KidsRights Index Report 2024 reveals that young people continue to suffer from a multitude of crises

Why a KidsRights Index?
The KidsRights Index has been developed to stimulate public opinion and public debate concerning the adhering of children’s rights. It is a tool for governments, civil society and other stakeholders for taking action to improve children’s rights. Its aim is to provide more insight into the detailed reports of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and make them more understandable, so as to encourage dialogue about children’s rights.
There is still a considerable gap between children’s rights policies made at national and international level and the local day-to-day realities of children and youths worldwide. The index provides crucial insights into what is being done and where countries need to do better to fully implement the Convention of the Rights of the Child.

What the KidsRights Index measures
The KidsRights Index consists of 5 domains:
1. Right to Life
2. Right to Health
3. Right to Education
4. Right to Protection
5. Enabling Environment for Child Rights