On 4 September, the SAIL Network launched its first website.
Professor Inge Hutter, Rector of the International Institute of Social Studies proud to chair SAIL - the platform in which Dutch organizations focusing on international higher education, research and capacity building are organised - during this exciting new development.
What is SAIL?
SAIL's mission is to foster and strengthen inclusive sustainable development globally (south/south, north/north and between the south and the north) by means of education, research and capacity-building, and in partnership with local actors.
The platform addresses the generation and dissemination of knowledge on inclusive sustainable development around the world with a focus on the Global South and emerging economies.
SAIL institutes facilitate the bridging of knowledge between the North and the South, the South and the South and the North and the North.SAIL enhances in this way the capacities of people, organizations and institutions, thus contributing to the creation of a more just and sustainable world.
The SAIL institutes are:
- African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL)
- Faculty of Geo Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of the University of Twente
- Institute for Water Education (IHE-Delft)
- Institute of Housing Studies (IHS) of Erasmus University Rotterdam
- International Institute of Social Studies (ISS)
- Maastricht School of Management (MSM)
- Royal Tropical Institute (KIT)