Research InSightS

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Our researchers engage in rigorous academic research that aims to contribute to solving today’s most pressing challenges. Committed to bridging research and society, they take their co-created knowledge and insights out into the wider world.

Research InSightS shares a selection of their latest research findings in engaging bite-sized formats. Check it out below!

More InSightS

  • Beyond the DEI backlash

    Dr Sreerekha Sathi shares insights from leading an international project on diversity and inclusion, highlighting key lessons, challenges and the way forward
  • Pedalling through the gig economy

    Dr Roy Huijsmans explores the highs and lows of young people working as food delivery couriers on Studio Erasmus
    Roy Huijsmans on stage speaking with Geert Maarse on Studio Erasmus
  • Forgotten crises of war

    Dr Bilge Sahin and Innocent Mazombo (Rescue for Vulnerable Persons) unpack the complexities of justice, resilience and the lived realities of women and girls in
    Bilge Sahin stands for a portrait image.
  • Labour movements, part 2: Sex work

    Dr Karin Astrid Siegmann and advocate Wendy van der Jagt explore sex work through a labour rights lens, challenging stigma and advocating for protections
    Decriminalize sex work - poster
  • Advocating for a connected economy

    Prof. Irene van Staveren challenges the myth of free markets and advocating for sustainability and collective responsibility
    Irene van Staveren on stage with moderator during talk show, Studio Erasmus


Adinda Ceelen
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If you would like to contribute to Research InSightS or receive more information about ISS’ knowledge exchange activities, please contact Adinda Ceelen (Knowledge Broker & Research Communications Advisor).

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