Past PhD defences

PhD defences group

What do ISS PhD researchers study? Current researchers describe their research on their profile pages, but what about more than 225 that have gone before them? Browse through our list of defences and download the ones you are interested in.

The most recent PhD defences

  • Successful PhD defence by Dr Rafael Rosa Cedro

    Rafael Rosa Cedro successfully defended his PhD thesis examining recent changes in the thinking about economic development in Brazil and its influence on policy
    PhD defence Rafael Rosa Cedro
  • Congratulations to Dr Mohsen Yazdanpanah

    On 3 February Mohsen Yazdanpanah successfully defended his PhD thesis the capitalism-development nexus and the expanding force of capitalist
    Mohsen Yazdanpanah
  • Congratulations Dr Maria Dafnomili

    Maria Dafnomili successfully defended her PhD thesis investigating the impact of financialization on the emergence of growth volatility and ecomomic crises
    PhD defence Maria Dafnomili

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