dr. JD (Jeff) Handmaker


I joined the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), which is the Hague Campus of Erasmus University Rotterdam in February 2007. Among my external academic appointments, I have been affiliated as a visiting scholar with the School of Law at the University of the Witwatersrand since January 2007, an Editor (since 2013) of the South African Journal on Human Rights (from Feb 2017- Feb 2019 Editor-in-Chief), a visiting research fellow in the Department of Sociology at Princeton University in 2017, a member of the teaching staff for the MSc in Law and Society at Leiden University from 2020-2023 and as a  Fellow and co-ordinator of a Theme Group at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciencies (NIAS) of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) in the 2020/21 Academic Year.

I studied law in England (1992: LLB, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne and 1994: LLM, with Merit, School of Oriental and African Studies, London) and was called to the English bar in 1995. After fifteen years as a legal and human rights practitioner, mainly in South Africa and The Netherlands, in 2009 I obtained a PhD in the sociology of law at Utrecht University with a thesis on Advocating for Accountability: Civic-State Interactions to Protect Refugees in South Africa, which was published by Intersentia (Antwerp).

As a practitioner, was assistant to a British Member of Parliament (on miscarriages of justice), legal advisor for the Dutch Refugee Council, held various functions for the South African organisation Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) and from 2000-2007 was director of Rea Hamba Advice, an international legal practice based in The Hague.

As a researcher, since 1999, I have published peer-reviewed articles and book chapters as well as a monograph, edited books and special issues. My  current academic research assesses the potential for legal mobilization to lead to progressive structural change.

In 2005, I received an NWO-WOTRO award to support field research in South Africa from the Dutch National Science Foundation (NWO). Moreover, I participated in a two-year programme funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), a two-year research and capacity-building programme funded by Hivos and a teaching project in Suriname. In a project led by Sanne Taekema the Erasmus School of Law we were awarded a five-year (2015-2020) matching grant from the Erasmus Trust Fonds amounting to a total of 1.8 million euros. In addition to the NIAS-KNAW fellowship (2020-21), I have been awarded several Erasmus+ Mobility and other grants.

In 2021, I formed a Consortium involving numerous universities and societal organizations and co-founded the Legal Mobilization Platform.

International Institute of Social Studies

Associate professor | Academic staff unit


  • Jeff Handmaker (17 April 2024) - Hoe denkt de EU over erkenning van Palestina? Spanje pleit ervoor, maar de rest blijft verdeeld
  • Jeff Handmaker (18 January 2024) - Hoe Nederland worstelt met Israël-beleid; Israël Nederland worstelt met illegale nederzettingen
  • Jeff Handmaker (11 January 2024) - Waar draait de ‘genocidezaak’ van Zuid-Afrika tegen Israël om? En haalt een rechtszaak iets uit?
  • Jeff Handmaker (21 December 2023) - Booking.com biedt overnachtingen aan in illegale Israëlische nederzettingen
  • Jeff Handmaker (30 November 2023) - Objectief gesproken over Gaza
  • Jeff Handmaker, Yolande Jansen, Alessandra Spadaro & Mikki Stelder (21 November 2023) - Staakt-het-vuren cruciaal om genocide in Gaza te voorkomen
  • Jeff Handmaker, Yolande Jansen & Willem Jebbink (31 October 2023) - Opinie: Sta omstreden Palestijnse leus toe in de Tweede Kamer, censuur ervan is onterecht
  • Jeff Handmaker (31 October 2023) - Amnesty: inzet witte fosfor Israël in Libanon onderzoeken als oorlogsmisdrijf
  • Jeff Handmaker (31 October 2023) - investigating Israel’s use of white phosphorus in Lebanon as a war crime
  • Jeff Handmaker (30 October 2023) - How discussions about the current situation in Gaza/Israel take place
  • Jeff Handmaker (17 October 2023) - Wat betekent het woorden humanitaire en oorlogsrecht?
  • Jeff Handmaker (14 October 2023) - Column | Trauma often results in the choice of retaliation
  • Jeff Handmaker (22 September 2023) - Flatbrand toont zware lot migranten

  • Jeff Handmaker (2024) - Gaza at the ICC (Member of programme committee)
    Activity: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic
  • Jeff Handmaker (2024) - Legal Mobilization as Counterpower (Participant)
    Activity: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic
  • Jeff Handmaker, Isabel Awad Cherit, Layal Chaker, Irene van Oorschot, Federica Violi & Rima Rassi (2024) - Gaza and Lebanon: One year on(going) (Participant)
    Activity: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic
  • Jeff Handmaker (2024) - The duplicitous face of justice (and what one can do in response) (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk › Academic
  • Jeff Handmaker (2024) - University of the Witwatersrand (Visiting researcher)
    Activity: Visiting an external academic institution › Academic
  • Jeff Handmaker (2024) - University of the Western Cape (Visiting researcher)
    Activity: Visiting an external academic institution › Academic
  • Jeff Handmaker (2024) - Justice for Some / Rechtvaardigheid voor sommigen? (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk › Professional
  • Jeff Handmaker (2024) - Revisiting and Appraising the Journey of the ICC (Participant)
    Activity: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic
  • Jeff Handmaker (2024) - Pursuing Racial, Climate and Socio-economic justice through a Legal Mobilization Platform (Participant)
    Activity: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic
  • Jeff Handmaker (2024) - No Impunity for Atrocity Crimes (Member of programme committee)
    Activity: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic

Member of International Lawyers

Start date approval
December 2019
End date approval
December 9999

Leiden University

Start date approval
November 2020
End date approval
December 9999
Adjunct Lecturer

University of the Witwatersrand School of Law

Start date approval
May 2022
End date approval
December 9999
PhD Supervision; Administration of joint PhD progr

5401 Research Paper

Course Code

Board of Examiners

Course Code

Master track GMD

Course Code

Major SJP

Course Code

General Information

Course Code

3105 Research Paper Preparation

Course Code

4153 Cont Perspectives on Social Justice

Course Code

8401 Internship

Course Code

News regarding dr. JD (Jeff) Handmaker

The UN, international law and the question of Palestine

Providing a critical perspective on the intersection of law and politics in the UN’s handling of Palestine
Woman holding Palestinian flag at Israel-Gaza border

What can be done to address healthcare violations in Gaza?

Jeff Handmaker writes about the panel he presented on 'The right to healthcare under fire' organized by Doctors for Gaza
Man running through hospital with injured child in Gaza

Suriname confirms conviction of former president Bouterse for his part in the December Murders

Jeff Handmaker explains the background to the trial and how it has been accompanied by political drama and legal manipulations
Desi Bouterse

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