prof.dr. W (Wil) Hout


Wil Hout is professor of Governance and International Political Economy at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) of Erasmus University Rotterdam. His research interests relate to international political economy, regionalism, development policies and issues of governance and development. He has further done research on various aspects of politics and governance in Suriname and Uganda.

Wil Hout is the author of Capitalism and the Third World (Edward Elgar, 1993), The Politics of Aid Selectivity (Routledge, 2007) and (co-)editor of nine volumes and special issues, most recently of Handbook on Governance and Development (Edward Elgar, 2022, with Jane Hutchison). Together with Caroline Hughes, Jane Hutchison and Richard Robison, he published a monograph on the political economy of development assistance, entitled Political Economy and Aid Industry in Asia (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014) and, with M.A. Mohamed Salih, A Political Economy of African Regionalisms (Edward Elgar, 2019). He has published articles in, among others, World Development, Politics & Governance, Review of Development Economics, Review of African Political Economy, Journal of African Economies, Development Policy Review, Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée, Third World Quarterly, Journal of Development Studies, Critical Asian Studies, Development and Change, European Journal of International Relations and Acta Politica.

Recent journal articles and chapters include: ‘The Permanent Crisis of Development Aid’, in B. Jessop and K. Knio (eds) The Pedagogy of Economic Crises: Crisis Dynamics, Construals, and Lessons, Abingdon: Routledge, 2019; ‘Police Integrity and the Perceived Effectiveness of Policing: Evidence from a Survey among Ugandan Police Officers’, in Kutnjak Ivkovich, S. and Haberfeld, M. (eds) Exploring Police Integrity, Cham: Springer, 2019 (with N. Wagner); ‘Improving Police Integrity in Uganda: Impact Assessment of the Police Accountability and Reform Project’, Review of Development Economics, 2020 (with N. Wagner and R. Namara); 'Does Accountability Enhance Service Delivery? Assessment of a Local Scorecard Initiative in Uganda', World Development, 2022 (with N. Wagner and B.A. Demena); and ‘Holding Ugandan Police to Account: Case study of the Police Accountability and Reform Project’, in Bergh, S., Pellissery, S. and Sathyamala, C. (eds) The State of Accountability in the Global South: Challenges and Responses, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2022 (with N. Wagner and R. Namara).

Wil Hout is the coordinator of the ISS part of the EU-funded European Joint Doctorate programme ADAPTED and supervisor of three ADAPTED Early Stage Researchers. He is convenor of the MPA in Governance, delivered in Suriname with the F.H.R. Lim A Po Institute for Higher Education and ISS project lead for the Erasmus+-funded Creating Postgraduate Collaborations project that involves three Kenyan, two South African and four European universities.

Before joining ISS, Wil Hout held positions as (senior) lecturer and associate professor at the departments of political science of Erasmus University Rotterdam and the Universities of Leiden and Nijmegen, and was a visiting fellow at Murdoch University (Australia), the University of Sheffield (UK), Johns Hopkins University (USA), the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (Singapore) and Central University of Iowa (USA). In 2009, he was a Distinguished Research Fellow of the Innovative Universities European Union Centre (Australia). From 2013 until 2017, he served as one of the two editors of the European Political Science Review, the flagship journal of the European Consortium for Political Research, published by Cambridge University Press.

International Institute of Social Studies

Full professor | Academic staff unit


  • W (Wil) Hout (21 November 2021) - Nuevas restricciones sanitarias reavivan la tension en Europa

  • Wil Hout (2020) - ‘Confidence in Our Own Abilities': Suriname´s State Oil Company as a Development Agent (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Wil Hout (2020) - The Permanent Crisis of Development Aid (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Wil Hout (2020) - Doing Research in Political Science: Case Study Techniques and Publishing Strategies (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Wil Hout (2019) - The Permanent Crisis of Development Aid (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Wil Hout (2018) - The Permanent Crisis of Development Aid (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Wil Hout (2018) - Development and Governance: Depoliticisation as Analytical Framework (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Wil Hout (2018) - Wereldsysteemtheorie na Piketty (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Wil Hout (2013) - European Political Science Review (Journal) (Editor)
    Activity: Editorial work Academic
  • Wil Hout (2013) - European Political Science Review (Journal) (Editor)
    Activity: Publication Peer-review Academic
  • Wil Hout, HA (Henry) Kifordu & PVV (Pedro) da silva Goulart (2011) - The Open Area Studies Journal (Journal) (Editor)
    Activity: Publication Peer-review Academic

Gemeente Oegstgeest

Start date approval
September 2024
End date approval
March 2026
Gemeenteraadslid Gemeente Oegstgeest

4359 Politics of Global Order

Course Code

5401 Research Paper

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Board of Examiners

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General Information

Course Code

3105 Research Paper Preparation

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