Developing Countries and the Crisis of the Multilateral Order

Special issue of open access journal Politics and Governance

The open-access journal Politics & Governance has just published a special issue on 'Developing Countries and the Crisis of the Multilateral Order', edited by Professor Wil Hout (ISS) and Associate Professor Michal Onderco (Erasmus School for Social and Behavioural Sciences).

The issue focuses on a variety of aspects related to the position of developing countries in the contemporary international order.

Recent studies of the liberal international order have tended to use a crisis-laden vocabulary to analyse US withdrawal from multilateral institutions and Chinese initiatives to create new institutions. In these analyses, the consequences of such a crisis for developing countries are largely overlooked because of the greater emphasis that is placed on the role of great powers in the international system.

The contributors to the issue argue that more attention should be paid to the position of developing countries in the liberal international order and that the effects of the presumed crisis for those countries should be studied. Next to an introduction by the editors, the issue features contributions by ISS Associate Professor Dr Karim Knio and PhD researcher Hao Zhang.

As a follow up to the publication of the special issue, the journal will organize a webinar that will feature the editors and several contributors to the issue. The webinar will take place on Tuesday 7 June at 16:00 CEST. We will have more information shortly.

Associate professor

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