In 2019, the International Institute of Social Studies and the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam established a joint PhD programme.

At the end of the programme, successful PhD researchers will receive a doctorate degree certificate from both institutes. Both certificates will indicate the joint supervision and cooperation between the institutes and will refer to the single PhD degree.
Research lines
This four year programme enables candidates to conduct research along six research lines:
- Economics of households, firms and institutions
- Health and economic development
- Environmental and Resource Economics
- International economics, trade and investment
- Labor and educational economics
- Development Economics
Research location
Researchers will spend 3 months of their first study year at ISS in The Hague to develop their research ideas into a full proposal and give their Dissertation Design Seminar.
Following their data collection year, researchers will again spend 3 months at ISS in year three to complete their thesis and present their Full Draft Seminar. The public defence will also take place at ISS.
PhD candidates are eligible for the annual UEH research grants or other grants available to UEH. Funding may also be available from Nafosted or MOET.