
462 search results for Master degree program in English in International Institute of Social Studies.


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  • About ISS
    All you need to know about the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) - an international graduate school of policy-oriented critical social science
  • Joint PhD programme with University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City
    In 2019, the International Institute of Social Studies and the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam established a joint PhD programme. At the…
  • Contact and directions
    Who to contact at ISS for information about our programmes and research and for general queries
  • Programme Evaluation
    Prof. dr. van Doorslaer has extensive experience with robust impact evaluations of health care financing reforms in low and middle-income countries. Using…
  • Abebe Haile-Gabriel
    Abebe Haile-Gabriel talks about obtaining his PhD degree at ISS, about his subsequent career path and about his position and vision on development work.
  • Registration - Future students Meet and Greet in Cape Town, South Africa
    Are you in or near Cape Town and do you want to find out more about the ISS study programmes? Join us for a meet and greet on 6 June 2024
  • Dang Vu Thanh
    Dang Vu Thanh explains why he did the the joint MSc degree in Applied Economics at ISS and the University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • (Van Lam) L Le
    My name is Lam, Le Van. I am currently a PhD candidate in the joint program between ISS, Erasmus Univeristy Rotterdam, Netherland and University of Economics…
  • NVAO Accreditation
    ISS is part of Erasmus University Rotterdam. The programmes are officially recognised by the Dutch ministry of Education and can be found in the database of the…
  • Maria Cecilia Arriaza
    I chose ISS because it was a program that not only had a good reputation for quality education, but also because it provided a unique experience to learn from…

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