Maria Cecilia Arriaza

I chose ISS because it was a program that not only had a good reputation for quality education, but also because it provided a unique experience to learn from all the international students and have a global education

Maria Cecilia Arriaza from Guatemala

Name: Maria Cecilia Arriaza     

Major: Governance and Development Policy (GDP)

Background: Psychologist and Mental Health expert, with experience in education and local development.

Scholarship awarded: Guatefuturo

Any advice on getting that scholarship?

Do research on local and international scholarships, focus on what added value you bring to the program and how that can make an impact not only on you but to your country.  

Why study abroad?

I wanted to study abroad because I knew the experience would go beyond the classroom. Going abroad expands your knowledge and experiences, it allows you to learn different ways of thinking and doing things, and challenges you think outside your box. I knew it would take me out of my comfort zone to learn new things, but also to share about my country with the world. Guatefuturo supports students going abroad so that they can bring new knowledge and innovation for Guatemala’s development.

Why ISS?

I chose ISS because it was a program that not only had a good reputation for quality education, but also because it provided a unique experience to learn from all the international students and have a global education. I was especially interested in the GDP program because it integrates different sectors of development from the local and global perspective, and it would give me the tools to look for new ways of addressing development issues in Guatemala.  

How is your experience so far?

Since coming to ISS I have been challenged while also feeling supported. I have been challenged to think critically about the world today and about the problems that my country and the world face as well as thinking of innovative ways of addressing it.

Being in a diverse classroom with more than 30 countries is the best way of understanding many development issues and expand your mind. I have also enjoyed making friends from different cultures and backgrounds.  

What are your future plans?

I want to work towards a better integration of development sectors in Guatemala, to ensure there are real sustainable solutions instead of superficial ones.

Would you recommend ISS to your friends?

I would recommend ISS to students that are interested in being challenged, think critically and have an international experience. You will grow not only academically, but personally and culturally.

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