
462 search results for Master degree program in English in International Institute of Social Studies.


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  • MA Academic requirements
    These are the academic requirements you need to fulfil to be considered for the MA in Development Studies at the International Institute of Social Studies
  • Teaching methods
    Our education focuses on Development Studies and offers a strong multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary field of study seeking to understand social, political…
  • (Fiorella) F Macchiavello Ferradas
    Fiorella Macchiavello is a PhD researcher in a Joint Degree between ISS and UnB, University of Brasilia, funded by the PrInt Program from the Brazilian Federal…
  • Tanzania Capacity Building Programme
    Project aimed at strengthening Tanzania’s capacity to develop trade policies to promote competitiveness of its exports as well as diversification.
  • Joint PhD programme with Wits University in South Africa
    'The normative force of the most basic human rights against violence, enslavement, and coercion, and of the most basic humanitarian duties of rescue from…
  • The Global Economy
    The Global Economy specialization will provide students with an understanding of the nature and functioning of the world economy and process of economic…
  • PhD Structure
    The ISS PhD programme lasts on average four years and usually follows four distinct phases with several milestones within each phase.
  • Admission
    Would you like to study at a top 100 university? Find out the admission requirements to study a post-graduate short course at IHS.
  • (Daniela) D Andrade
    Daniela Andrade has dedicated much of her energy into the study of rural poverty and agrarian development. She has a degree in agronomic engineer and has been…
  • Apply to ISS - MA
    How to apply to the MA in Development Studies and the Mundus MA in Public Policy - we'll guide you through the process, step by step

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