Initiatives in Critical Agrarian Studies (ICAS)

Initiatives in Critical Agrarian Studies (ICAS) logo


Initiatives in Critical Agrarian Studies is a community of like-minded critical scholars, development practitioners and movement activists from different parts of the world who are working on agrarian issues.

It responds to the need for an initiative that builds and focuses on linkages, and advocates a mutually reinforcing co-production and mutually beneficial sharing of knowledge. ICAS also promotes critical thinking and engaged research and scholarship.

ICAS aims to:

  1. Produce and disseminate cutting-edge knowledge in agrarian change studies.
  2. Develop global knowledge networks for 'pro-poor agrarian change'.
  3. Facilitate mutually reinforcing interactions around the issue of pro-poor agrarian change.

ICAS book series on Agrarian Change and Peasant Studies

Scientifically rigorous, accessible, politically relevant, policy oriented, affordable, state of the art books for academics, development practitioners and social movement activists.

In September 2021, ICAS launched the Open Access ebook editions of its influential book series Agrarian Change and Peasant Studies: Little books on big issues.

International Advisory Committee

ICAS also has an International Advisory Committee, the members of which are academics, activists and development policy practitioners with expertise in rural politics and development.

Members of the International Advisory Committee

ICAS colloquia and conferences


  • The future of food and challenges for agriculture in the 21st century - April 2017 in the Basque Country
  • Global governance/politics, climate justice & agrarian/social justice - February 2016 at ISS (see Downloads below)
  • Food Sovereignty: A Critical Dialogue - January 2014 at ISS (see Downloads below)
  • Global Land Grabbing - June 2012 at ISS (see Downloads below)
  • Hunger, Food & (Agroecological) Alternatives - December 2011 at ISS
  • Agrarian Transformation and Surplus Population in the Global South: Revisiting Agrarian Questions of Labour - May 2011 at ISS (see Downloads below)
  • Critical Agrarian Studies Seminar - January 2011 at ISS (see Downloads below)


  • Food Sovereignty: A Critical Dialogue at Yale University, USA - September 2013
  • Global Land Grabbing II - October 2012 at Cornell University, USA
  • Global Land Grabbing I April 2011 at IDS Sussex, UK

Fellowships and internships

At the moment, we do not have funds for fellowships or internships, but we invite and encourage externally funded visiting fellows, researchers and interns.

If you are interested, please get in touch with Jun Borras:


Contact the ICAS team

Email address
Kortenaerkade 12
The Hague

Contact us for more information or to subscribe to our newsletter.

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