1 | Food Sovereignty: A skeptical view | Henry Bernstein |
2 | What Place for International Trade in Food Sovereignty? | Kim Burnett and Sophia Murphy |
3 | Farmers, Foodies, & First Nations: Getting to Food Sovereignty in Canada | Annette Desmarais and Hannah Wittman |
4 | Rural Social Movements and Diálogo de Saberes: Peasant Territories, Food Sovereignty, and Agroecology | Peter Rosset and Maria Elena Martinez-Torres |
5 | Financialization, Distance and Global Food Politics | Jennifer Clapp |
6 | “Like gold with yield”: Evolving intersections between farmland and finance | Madeleine Fairbairn |
7 | Risk and Blame in the Anthropocene: Multi-scale Climate Change Analysis | Jesse Ribot |
8 | Peasant-Driven Agricultural Growth and Food Sovereignty | Jan Douwe van der Ploeg |
9 | Financialization and the Transformation of Agro-food Supply Chains: A Political Economy | Ryan Isakson |
10 | Achieving Mexico’s Maize Potential | Antonio Turrent Fernández, Timothy A. Wise, and Elise Garvey |
11 | Gold for Export? … or Water & Food for Life? The Case of Gold Mining in El Salvador | Robin Broad and John Cavanagh |
12 | Food sovereignty and safeguarding food security for everyone: Issues for scientific investigation | Hugh Lacey |
13 | Historicizing Food Sovereignty: a Food Regime Perspective | Philip McMichael |
14 | Feast and Famine: The Growth of Corporate Wealth and Food Insecurity in Neoliberal Mexico | Enrique C. Ochoa |
15 | How to Build Food Sovereignty | A. Haroon Akram-Lodhi |
16 | The New American Farmer: The Agrarian Question, Food Sovereignty and Immigrant Mexican Growers in the United States | Laura-Anne Minkoff-Zern |
17 | We Are Not All the Same: Taking Gender Seriously in Food Sovereignty Discourse | Clara Mi Young Par, Ben White |
18 | Maize as sovereignty: anti-GM activism in Mexico and Colombia | Liz Fitting |
19 | Farmers’ Rights & Food Sovereignty: Critical Insights from India | Karine Peschard |
20 | Culturally appropriate food: Researching cultural aspects of food sovereignty | Devon Sampson and Chelsea Wills |
21 | The Developmental State and Food Sovereignty in Tanzania | Richard Mbunda |
22 | Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and Social Conflict in Africa | Kai Thaler |
23 | Beyond the Minimally Adequate Diet: Food Stamps and Food Sovereignty in the U.S. | Maggie Dickinson |
24 | From Food Sovereignty to Peasants’ Rights: an Overview of La Via Campesina’s Rights-Based Claims over the Last 20 Years | Priscilla Claeys |
25 | The politics of the emerging agro-industrial complex in Asia’s ‘final frontier’: The war on food sovereignty in Burma | Kevin Woods |
26 | The ‘non-economy’ and the Radical Dreams of Food Sovereignty | Jim Handy |
27 | Capitalism in Green Disguise: The Political Economy of Organic Farming in the European Union | Charalampos Konstantinidis |
28 | Food Security in a Sovereign State and “Quiet Food Sovereignty” of an Insecure Population: The Case of Post-Soviet Russia | Max Spoor, Natalia Mamonova, Oane Visser and Alexander Nikulin |
29 | Cultivating Food Sovereignty Where There are Few Choices | Teresa Mare, Naomi Wolcott-MacCausland, Jessie Mazar |
30 | Water Access, Food Sovereignty and Peru’s Water Regime | Barbara Deutsch Lynch |
31 | The Role of US Consumers and Producers in Food Sovereignty | Molly D. Anderson |
32 | Farmland Preservation, Agricultural Easements, and Land Access in California | Zoe Brent |
33 | The Temptation of Nitrogen: FAO Guidance for Food Sovereignty in Nicaragua | Birgit Müller |
34 | Food Sovereignty, Post-Neoliberalism, Campesino Organizations, and the State in Ecuador | Patrick Clark |
35 | With flowers and capsicum in the driver’s seat, food sovereignty is impossible: A comparison of the politics of agricultural policy in two Indian states, Gujarat and Chhattisgarh | Sejuti Dasgupta |
36 | The Debate Over Food Sovereignty in Mexico | Guadalupe Rodríguez-Gómez |
37 | The agrarian transition and the ‘feminization’ of agriculture | Olivier de Schutter |
38 | Food Justice, Food Sovereignty and the Challenge of Neoliberalism | Alison Hope Alkon |
39 | The Politics of Property in Industrial Fisheries | Liam Campling and Elizabeth Havice |
40 | Community Autonomy and Local Food: Seeking Food Sovereignty in Maine | Hilda E. Kurtz, Heather Retberg and Bonnie Preston |
41 | Food Sovereignty as a Weapon of the Weak? Rethinking the Food Question in Uganda | Giuliano Martiniello |
42 | Seasonal hunger in coffee communities: Integrated analysis of livelihoods, agroecology, and food sovereignty with smallholders of Mexico and Nicaragua | Margarita Fernandez, V. Ernesto Mendez, and Christopher Bacon |
43 | Food Sovereignty: How it turns the growing corporate global food system upside down | Joan P. Mencher |
44 | Food Sovereignty in Everyday Life: A People-Centered Approach to Food Systems | Meleiza Figueroa |
45 | Structural Transformation and Gender Rights in African Agriculture: What Pathways to Food Sovereignty and Sustainable Food Security? | Bola O Akanji |
46 | Recipe for decolonization and resurgence: Story of O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation’s indigenous food sovereignty movement | Asfia Gulrukh Kamal and Shirley Thompson |
47 | Exploring the Dialectic of Labor Rights and Food Sovereignty in Everyday Work Conflicts of Argentina´s Yerba mate Country | Jennifer S. Bowles |
48 | Between empty lots and open pots: understanding the rise of urban food movements in the USA | Jessica Clendenning and Wolfram Dressler |
49 | Life in a Shrimp Zone: Aqua- and Other Cultures in Bangladesh’s Coastal Landscape | Kasia Paprocki and Jason Cons |
50 | Food sovereignty in Ecuador: The gap between the constitutionalization of the principles and their materialization in the official agri-food strategies | Isabella Giunta |
51 | Institutionalizing Food Sovereignty in Ecuador | Karla Peña |
52 | Food Regimes, Race and The Coloniality of Power: Linking histories in the food sovereignty movement | Shoshana Devra Perrey |
53 | Conceptualizing the Human Right to Food in the Food Sovereignty Framework | Will Schanbacher |
54 | The political ecology of market-oriented seed system development and emergent alternatives | Kristal Jones |
55 | Towards a geographic theory of food sovereignty in the United States | Amy Trauger |
56 | Re-Purposing the Master’s Tools: The Open Source Seed Initiative and the Struggle for Seed Sovereignty | Jack Kloppenburg |
57 | The ‘State’ of Food Sovereignty in Latin America: Political Projects and Alternative Pathways in Venezuela, Ecuador, and Bolivia | Ben McKay and Ryan Nehring |
58 | Feminist Food Sovereignty: Crafting a New Vision | Carolyn Sachs |
59 | Bolivia’s Food Sovereignty & Agrobiodiversity: Undermining the Local to Strengthen the State? | Jenny Cockburn |
60 | ‘We Didn’t Want to Hear About Calories’: Rethinking Food Security, Food Power and Food Sovereignty - Lessons from the Gaza Closure | Aeyal Gross & Tamar Feldman |
61 | King of the Sea: Seafood Sovereignty and the Blue Revolution | Craig K. Harris |
62 | Do Purchases Motivated by Symbolic and Social Needs Undermine Food Sovereignty? | Jill Richardson |
63 | The Complexity of Food Sovereignty Policymaking: The Case of Nicaragua’s Law 693 | Wendy Godek |
64 | Toward Genetic Democracy? Seed Sovereignty, Neoliberal Food Regime, and Transgenic Crops in India | Devparna Roy |
65 | Perils of Peasant Populism: Why Redistributive Land Reform and “Food Sovereignty” Can’t Feed Venezuela | Aaron Kappeler |
66 | A Tale of Three Habas Pejtos, Or, How to Make a ‘Plurinational’ Cuisine | Alder Keleman |
67 | Building Relational Food Sovereignty Across Scales: An Example from the Peruvian Andes | Alastair Iles and Maywa Montenegro |
68 | Food Sovereignty, Gender and Nutrition: Perspectives from Malawi | Rachel Bezner Kerr, Esther Lupafya and Lizzie Shumba |
69 | Transcending the Focus on Agrarian Sector | Anil Bhattarai |
70 | Aloha Aina as an expression of food sovereignty: A Case Study of the challenges to food self-reliance on Molokai, Hawaii | Clare Gupta |
71 | Women’s Indigenous Knowledge and Food Sovereignty: Experiences from KWPA’s Movement in South Korea | Hyo Jeong Kim |
72 | Food sovereignty: Forgotten genealogies and future regulatory challenges | Marc Edelman |
73 | The Cunning State of Farmers’ Rights in India: Aligning with Global Law or Emancipating Farmers? | Dwijen Rangnekar |
74 | Entitlement vs. Food Sovereignty Approaches: Challenges for sustainable food and nutrition security in the changing agrarian landscape in Tamil Nadu, India | Hom Gartaula, Kirit Patel, Derek Johnson and Dinesh Moghariya |
75 | Occupy the Farm: A Study of Civil Society Tactics to Cultivate Commons and Construct Food Sovereignty in the United States | Antonio Roman-Alcalá |
76 | Is market gardening compatible with food sovereignty? Insights from a case study of small-scale micro-irrigated vegetable production in southwest Burkina Faso | Brian Dowd-Uribe, Carla Roncoli, Ben Orlove, & Colin T. West |
77 | Developing tools to assess agri-food systems responses to food sovereignty policies: A conceptual and methodological approach through integration of SES and vulnerability frameworks | Virginia Vallejo-Rojas, Federica Ravera, Marta G. Rivera-Ferre |
78 | Rethinking investment dynamics: An alternative framework of the global land rush | Elizabeth Starr |
79 | Food Sovereignty and the Quinoa Boom in Bolivia | Tanya Kerssen |
80 | Contested Agrifood Governance: Nicaraguan smallholder cooperatives navigate the split in fair trade and start the struggle for food sovereignty | Christopher M. Bacon |
81 | Navigating De- and Re-Peasantisation: Potential Limitations of a Universal Food Sovereignty Approach for Polish Smallholders | Kathryn DeMaster |
82 | Marginalized street food vendors promoting consumption of millets among the urban poor: A case study of millet porridge vendors in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India | Kirit Patel,David Guenther,Kyle Wiebe and Ruth-Anne Seburn |
83 | Agrobiodiversity, Global Environmental Justice and Food Sovereignty: A Necessary Encounter? | Zuhre Aksoy |
84 | Conflicts around alternative urban food provision: Contesting food privilege, food injustice, and colorblindness in Jamaica Plain, Boston | Isabelle Anguelovski |
85 | Words speak louder than actions: The ‘peasant’ dimension of the Confederation Paysanne’s alternative to industrial farming | Edouard Morena |
86 | The new rural land and food question: exploring sustainable pathways of green growth and the bio-economy | Terry Marsden |
87 | Towards Food Sovereignty: Interrogating Peasant Voice in the UN Committee on World Food Security | Josh Brem-Wilson |
88 | Comprehensive agronomy as a pre-condition for seed and food sovereignty: implications of SRI principles for strategic policy issues | Willem A. Stoop |
89 | The Food Commons Transition: Collective Actions for Food and Nutrition Security | Jose Luis Vivero Pol |
90 | Competing Sovereignties in the Political Construction of Food Sovereignty | Christina Schiavoni |
91 | Reinventing the big push for agrarian change from within the agroecology paradigm | Louis Thiemann |
92 | Food Sovereignty: Re-peasantization/Dispossession/Agro-ecology versus Expanded Reproduction | Kees Jansen |
93 | Rethinking food sovereignty in a limiting context: Refugees from Myanmar in Bangladesh without land and citizenship | Shapan Adnan |
94 | Agricultural Biodiversity, Ecological Food Provision and Food Sovereignty: vital interdependencies | Patrick Mulvany |
* | Facilitating learning and action for food sovereignty on family and community levels (Discussion Notes) | Mette Vaarst |
* | Gender, Nutrition, and the Human Right to Adequate Food: towards an inclusive framework (Discussion Notes) | Flavio Valente et al |
* | No Food Sovereignty Here (Discussion Notes) | Tania Murray Li |