Food Sovereignty: a critical dialogue

Food sovereignty 2013/2014 conference papers series and presentation videos (see bottom of page)

1Food Sovereignty: A skeptical view                                              Henry Bernstein
2What Place for International Trade in Food Sovereignty? Kim Burnett and Sophia Murphy
3Farmers, Foodies, & First Nations: Getting to Food Sovereignty in CanadaAnnette Desmarais and Hannah Wittman
4Rural Social Movements and Diálogo de Saberes: Peasant Territories, Food Sovereignty, and AgroecologyPeter Rosset and Maria Elena Martinez-Torres
5Financialization, Distance and Global Food PoliticsJennifer Clapp
6“Like gold with yield”: Evolving intersections between farmland and financeMadeleine Fairbairn
7Risk and Blame in the Anthropocene: Multi-scale Climate Change AnalysisJesse Ribot
8Peasant-Driven Agricultural Growth and Food SovereigntyJan Douwe van der Ploeg
9Financialization and the Transformation of Agro-food Supply Chains: A Political EconomyRyan Isakson
10Achieving Mexico’s Maize PotentialAntonio Turrent Fernández, Timothy A. Wise, and Elise Garvey
11Gold for Export? … or Water & Food for Life? The Case of Gold Mining in El SalvadorRobin Broad and John Cavanagh
12Food sovereignty and safeguarding food security for everyone: Issues for scientific investigationHugh Lacey
13Historicizing Food Sovereignty: a Food Regime PerspectivePhilip McMichael
14Feast and Famine: The Growth of Corporate Wealth and Food Insecurity in Neoliberal MexicoEnrique C. Ochoa
15How to Build Food SovereigntyA. Haroon Akram-Lodhi
16The New American Farmer: The Agrarian Question, Food Sovereignty and Immigrant Mexican Growers in the United StatesLaura-Anne Minkoff-Zern
17We Are Not All the Same: Taking Gender Seriously in Food Sovereignty DiscourseClara Mi Young Par, Ben White
18Maize as sovereignty: anti-GM activism in Mexico and ColombiaLiz Fitting
19Farmers’ Rights & Food Sovereignty: Critical Insights from IndiaKarine Peschard
20Culturally appropriate food: Researching cultural aspects of food sovereigntyDevon Sampson and Chelsea Wills
21The Developmental State and Food Sovereignty in TanzaniaRichard Mbunda
22Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and Social Conflict in AfricaKai Thaler
23Beyond the Minimally Adequate Diet: Food Stamps and Food Sovereignty in the U.S.Maggie Dickinson
24From Food Sovereignty to Peasants’ Rights: an Overview of La Via Campesina’s Rights-Based Claims over the Last 20 YearsPriscilla Claeys
25The politics of the emerging agro-industrial complex in Asia’s ‘final frontier’: The war on food sovereignty in BurmaKevin Woods
26The ‘non-economy’ and the Radical Dreams of Food SovereigntyJim Handy
27Capitalism in Green Disguise: The Political Economy of Organic Farming in the European UnionCharalampos Konstantinidis
28Food Security in a Sovereign State and “Quiet Food Sovereignty” of an Insecure Population: The Case of Post-Soviet RussiaMax Spoor, Natalia Mamonova, Oane Visser and Alexander Nikulin
29Cultivating Food Sovereignty Where There are Few ChoicesTeresa Mare, Naomi Wolcott-MacCausland, Jessie Mazar
30Water Access, Food Sovereignty and Peru’s Water RegimeBarbara Deutsch Lynch
31The Role of US Consumers and Producers in Food SovereigntyMolly D. Anderson
32Farmland Preservation, Agricultural Easements, and Land Access in CaliforniaZoe Brent  
33The Temptation of Nitrogen: FAO Guidance for Food Sovereignty in NicaraguaBirgit Müller
34Food Sovereignty, Post-Neoliberalism, Campesino Organizations, and the State in EcuadorPatrick Clark
35With flowers and capsicum in the driver’s seat, food sovereignty is impossible: A comparison of the politics of agricultural policy in two Indian states, Gujarat and ChhattisgarhSejuti Dasgupta
36The Debate Over Food Sovereignty in MexicoGuadalupe Rodríguez-Gómez
37The agrarian transition and the ‘feminization’ of agricultureOlivier de Schutter
38Food Justice, Food Sovereignty and the Challenge of NeoliberalismAlison Hope Alkon
39The Politics of Property in Industrial FisheriesLiam Campling and Elizabeth Havice
40Community Autonomy and Local Food: Seeking Food Sovereignty in MaineHilda E. Kurtz, Heather Retberg and Bonnie Preston
41Food Sovereignty as a Weapon of the Weak? Rethinking the Food Question in UgandaGiuliano Martiniello
42Seasonal hunger in coffee communities: Integrated analysis of livelihoods, agroecology, and food sovereignty with smallholders of Mexico and NicaraguaMargarita Fernandez, V. Ernesto Mendez, and Christopher Bacon
43Food Sovereignty: How it turns the growing corporate global food system upside downJoan P. Mencher
44Food Sovereignty in Everyday Life: A People-Centered Approach to Food SystemsMeleiza Figueroa
45Structural Transformation and Gender Rights in African Agriculture: What Pathways to Food Sovereignty and Sustainable Food Security?Bola O Akanji
46Recipe for decolonization and resurgence: Story of O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation’s indigenous food sovereignty movementAsfia Gulrukh Kamal and Shirley Thompson
47Exploring the Dialectic of Labor Rights and Food Sovereignty in Everyday Work Conflicts of Argentina´s Yerba mate CountryJennifer S. Bowles
48Between empty lots and open pots: understanding the rise of urban food movements in the USAJessica Clendenning and Wolfram Dressler
49Life in a Shrimp Zone: Aqua- and Other Cultures in Bangladesh’s Coastal LandscapeKasia Paprocki and Jason Cons
50Food sovereignty in Ecuador: The gap between the constitutionalization of the principles and their materialization in the official agri-food strategiesIsabella Giunta
51Institutionalizing Food Sovereignty in EcuadorKarla Peña
52Food Regimes, Race and The Coloniality of Power: Linking histories in the food sovereignty movementShoshana Devra Perrey
53Conceptualizing the Human Right to Food in the Food Sovereignty FrameworkWill Schanbacher
54The political ecology of market-oriented seed system development and emergent alternativesKristal Jones
55Towards a geographic theory of food sovereignty in the United StatesAmy Trauger
56Re-Purposing the Master’s Tools: The Open Source Seed Initiative and the Struggle for Seed SovereigntyJack Kloppenburg
57The ‘State’ of Food Sovereignty in Latin America: Political Projects and Alternative Pathways in Venezuela, Ecuador, and BoliviaBen McKay and Ryan Nehring
58Feminist Food Sovereignty: Crafting a New VisionCarolyn Sachs
59Bolivia’s Food Sovereignty & Agrobiodiversity: Undermining the Local to Strengthen the State?Jenny Cockburn
60‘We Didn’t Want to Hear About Calories’: Rethinking Food Security, Food Power and Food Sovereignty - Lessons from the Gaza ClosureAeyal Gross & Tamar Feldman
61King of the Sea: Seafood Sovereignty and the Blue RevolutionCraig K. Harris
62Do Purchases Motivated by Symbolic and Social Needs Undermine Food Sovereignty?Jill Richardson
63The Complexity of Food Sovereignty Policymaking: The Case of Nicaragua’s Law 693Wendy Godek
64Toward Genetic Democracy? Seed Sovereignty, Neoliberal Food Regime, and Transgenic Crops in IndiaDevparna Roy
65Perils of Peasant Populism: Why Redistributive Land Reform and “Food Sovereignty” Can’t Feed VenezuelaAaron Kappeler
66A Tale of Three Habas Pejtos, Or, How to Make a ‘Plurinational’ CuisineAlder Keleman
67Building Relational Food Sovereignty Across Scales: An Example from the Peruvian AndesAlastair Iles and Maywa Montenegro
68Food Sovereignty, Gender and Nutrition: Perspectives from MalawiRachel Bezner Kerr, Esther Lupafya and Lizzie Shumba
69Transcending the Focus on Agrarian SectorAnil Bhattarai
70Aloha Aina as an expression of food sovereignty: A Case Study of the challenges to food self-reliance on Molokai, HawaiiClare Gupta
71Women’s Indigenous Knowledge and Food Sovereignty: Experiences from KWPA’s Movement in South KoreaHyo Jeong Kim
72Food sovereignty: Forgotten genealogies and future regulatory challengesMarc Edelman
73The Cunning State of Farmers’ Rights in India: Aligning with Global Law or Emancipating Farmers?Dwijen Rangnekar
74Entitlement vs. Food Sovereignty Approaches: Challenges for sustainable food and nutrition security in the changing agrarian landscape in Tamil Nadu, IndiaHom Gartaula, Kirit Patel, Derek Johnson and Dinesh Moghariya
75Occupy the Farm: A Study of Civil Society Tactics to Cultivate Commons and Construct Food Sovereignty in the United StatesAntonio Roman-Alcalá
76Is market gardening compatible with food sovereignty? Insights from a case study of small-scale micro-irrigated vegetable production in southwest Burkina FasoBrian Dowd-Uribe, Carla Roncoli, Ben Orlove, & Colin T. West
77Developing tools to assess agri-food systems responses to food sovereignty policies: A conceptual and methodological approach through integration of SES and vulnerability frameworksVirginia Vallejo-Rojas, Federica Ravera, Marta G. Rivera-Ferre
78Rethinking investment dynamics: An alternative framework of the global land rushElizabeth Starr
79Food Sovereignty and the Quinoa Boom in BoliviaTanya Kerssen
80Contested Agrifood Governance: Nicaraguan smallholder cooperatives navigate the split in fair trade and start the struggle for food sovereigntyChristopher M. Bacon
81Navigating De- and Re-Peasantisation: Potential Limitations of a Universal Food Sovereignty Approach for Polish SmallholdersKathryn DeMaster
82Marginalized street food vendors promoting consumption of millets among the urban poor: A case study of millet porridge vendors in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, IndiaKirit Patel,David Guenther,Kyle Wiebe and Ruth-Anne Seburn
83Agrobiodiversity, Global Environmental Justice and Food Sovereignty: A Necessary Encounter?Zuhre Aksoy
84Conflicts around alternative urban food provision: Contesting food privilege, food injustice, and colorblindness in Jamaica Plain, Boston Isabelle Anguelovski
85Words speak louder than actions: The ‘peasant’ dimension of the Confederation Paysanne’s alternative to industrial farmingEdouard Morena
86The new rural land and food question: exploring sustainable pathways of green growth and the bio-economyTerry Marsden
87Towards Food Sovereignty: Interrogating Peasant Voice in the UN Committee on World Food SecurityJosh Brem-Wilson
88Comprehensive agronomy as a pre-condition for seed and food sovereignty: implications of SRI principles for strategic policy issuesWillem A. Stoop
89The Food Commons Transition: Collective Actions for Food and Nutrition SecurityJose Luis Vivero Pol
90Competing Sovereignties in the Political Construction of Food SovereigntyChristina Schiavoni
91Reinventing the big push for agrarian change from within the agroecology paradigmLouis Thiemann
92Food Sovereignty: Re-peasantization/Dispossession/Agro-ecology versus Expanded ReproductionKees Jansen
93Rethinking food sovereignty in a limiting context: Refugees from Myanmar in Bangladesh without land and citizenshipShapan Adnan
94Agricultural Biodiversity, Ecological Food Provision and Food Sovereignty: vital interdependenciesPatrick Mulvany
*Facilitating learning and action for food sovereignty on family and community levels (Discussion Notes)Mette Vaarst
*Gender, Nutrition, and the Human Right to Adequate Food: towards an inclusive framework (Discussion Notes)Flavio Valente et al
*No Food Sovereignty Here (Discussion Notes)Tania Murray Li

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