The Future of Food & Challenges for Agriculture

The Future of Food and Challenges for Agriculture in the 21st Century - Colloquium Papers




1Taking the part of the peasants' Hits and MissesHenry Bernsein
2Bigger is not Always Better: Drives and Implications of the Recent Agribusiness MegamergersJennifer Clapp
3*La Reforma Agraria, la Tierra y el Territorio: Evolución del pensamiento de la Vía Campesina Peter Michael Rosset
4Agroindustria y Soberanía Alimentaria en EcuadorXavier León Vega
5 Farming as a Life Choice: the moral economies of Agroecological young farmers in Madrid Benito Morán 
6 Augmenting Smaller Farmers' Income through Rural Nonfarm Sector: Role of Information and Credit Institutions  Meenakshi Rajeev
7 Decent Work in Global Agricultural Production Systems: an interdisciplinary conversation   Walter Belik, Thales Augusto M. Pehna & João Matos Filho
8Peasant Patterning in Ghana’s Oil Palm Sector: re-thinking choice and the role of multiple markets for greater food sovereignty Ruth Manley & Yves van Leynseele
9 Extrafamilial Farm Succession—Visualized by a Qualitative Model and Examined as an Adaptive Transfer Strategy Contributing to the Renewal of Peasantries Anna Korzenszky
10Experiences with up-grading in the mango value chain: A case of Pakistan Mango IndustryDr. Mubashir Mehdi

Elikadura Osasuntsurako Eskubidea Ziurtatu Nekazaritza eta Arrantza Iraukorraren Bidez
Garantizar el Derecho a una Alimentación Sana a través de una Agricultura y Pesca Sostenible
To Guarantee the Right to a Healthy Diet through Sustainable Agriculture and Fishing

Eskubide Sozialen Karta – La Carta de los Derechos Sociales 
12Saying All the Right Things? Evaluating Gendered Discourse in Climate Smart Agriculture Andrea M. Collins 
13Zergatik Joaten Gara Azokara? Gipuzkoako Tokiko Azoken Balorazio SozialaMirene Begiristain, Eduardo Malagón, Aintzira Oñederra
14Land grab / data grabAlistair Fraser
15Why local food systems and territorial production and consumption are the new sexy solutions to the food systemJudith Hitchman

Campesinas y campesinos en la C.A. de Euskadi. Por el derecho a la renta y la vida digna 

Peasants in the Basque Country, for the right to income and decent livelihood


Estructura de la propiedad de la tierra en el Estado Español. Concentración y acaparamineto

Carlos Soler y Fernando Fernández

Nuevos perfiles en la incorporación de personas jóvenes al campo: tendencias emergentes desde una perspectiva de soberanía alimentaria

Sidney Flament-Ortun, Bruno Macias Garcia, Meus Monllor i Rico

Socio-ecological and nutritional benefits of traditional mountain sheep grazing

Eneko Garmendia, Aitor Andonegi, Arantza Aldezabal, Gonzalo
Gamboa, Iker Etxano, Oihana Garcia, Luis Javier R. Barron


Can we afford cheap food? What are the alternatives?

 Naomi Millner
21* The agrarian political economy of left‐wing governments in Latin America: Agribusiness, peasants, and the limits of neo‐developmentalism 

Leandro Vergara‐Camus & Cristóbal Kay


Agrarian question(s) and food sovereignty. An historical reflection about epistemological displacements, resistances and adaptations

Alba Díaz-Geada

Algunas evidencias de la perspectiva agroecológica como base para unos medios de vida resilientes en la sociedad campesina del occidente de Guatemala

Alexandra Praun, Claudia Irene Calderón, Claudia Jerónimo, Jaime Reyna, Iván Santos,
Raquel León, Rose Hogan, José Pablo Prado Córdova


Sovereignty, Human Security and Globalisation: The
Case of Seed Sovereignty in Sub-Saharan Africa

Clare O’ Grady Walshe
25The Azorean food system in the 21st Century: Food Sovereignty Challenges in a Globalized Food MarketPaola Andrea Hernández Matiz

Modelos de comercio y consumo justos y transformadores en lo local y en lo global

Asier Arcos Alonso

The Agrarian Question & Food Sovereignty Movements: A Comparative Analysis of Capitalism, the State, and ‘Peasant’
Class Dynamics in Bolivia & Nepal

Paola Andrea Hernández Matiz


Puntos Clave desde la Perspectiva de Género para la Transición hacia Sistemas Alimentarios de los Comedores Escolares por la Soberanía Alimentaria

Duro I, García F, Txirapozu J, Imaz L, Fernandez A, Biteri I, y Viñuela E

29The Guarani and Kaiowá Peoples’ Human right to Adequate Food and Nutrition—a holistic approachLucas Prates

Labour and food production in Southern Europe between class dynamics and racialization processes

Alessandra Corrado

Relacionando Territorio, Alimentación y Empleo 

Leire Milikua Larramendi y Sergio Gallego Mazarías


Youth Producing Food for an Alternative Society: Insights from the Basque Country

Joseba Azkarraga Etxagibel and Annette Aurélie Desmarais

*Incomplete or published papers