Political Ecology researchers

The Political Ecology research group works with a wide variety of researchers including ISS faculty, post-docs, visiting researchers and PhD candidates.

ISS faculty and post-docs

Visiting and affiliated researchers

Max Spoor - Emeritus Professor Development Studies
Cristóbal Kay - Emeritus Professor Development Studies
Ashwani Saith - Emeritus Professor Rural Economics
Ben White - Emeritus Professor Rural Sociology
Marc Wuyts - Emeritus Professor Quantitative Applied Economics
Mahmoud Messkoub
Myint Zaw
Monica Grau Sarabia EMPOWER project
Zeynep Benlisoy
Yukari Sekine

PhD researchers

PhD researcherDraft thesis title
Ana Lucia BadilloSocial protection in Ecuador and Paraguay
Emma Lynn CantalConvergence amidst diversity: The political economy of residualist models of social protection in Cambodia and the Philippines
Nguyet Dang BaoThe Political economy of cross border agricultural wage labour: ethnic minority Vietnamese working in farms in Southern China
Cecile FamereeCollective action revisited in cases of land grabs in the Peruvian Jungle: Reactions from below, transparency and the role of the state
Corrine LamainConflicting securities: socio-environmental conflicts. Climate security debates and climate mitigation
Martha Jane Robbins Food sovereignty and the politics of food system localization
Salena TramelResource control grabs from the landscape level and political reactions
Ana Portocarrero LacayoClimate change adaptation and food insecurity in Nicaragua: Discourses, power, resistance, transformation
Umut KocagozAuthoritarian regime in relation to peasant politics: the case of hazelnut farmers in Turkey
Amod ShahThe politics and political possibilities of India’s anti-coal struggles
Amaya BayneWomen, indignity, knowledges and power in the Ecuadorian Amazon
Claudia Rodriguez Orrego The political economy of judicialization of welfare reform in Colombia
David Sabogal HabedankArtisanal mining and indigenous livelihoods in the Peruvian Amazon
Daniela Pessoa de Goes CalmonGlobal politics of dispossession and the Amazon/Cerrado frontier
Nina SwenCommunity-based environmental monitoring in the Amazon
Julia QuaedvliegThe green commodity frontier in the Amazon: A critical analysis of sustainable cacao production among Peruvian Amazon smallholders
Emmanuel Otto OmonyGovernance and social accountability in the provision of family planning in post-conflict Northern Uganda
Annah KamusiimeDiscourses of young motherhood: Weaving representations with subjectivity, performativity and young mothers’ agency
Haris ZargarExploring the interface between land reform and political Islam: A case study of Kashmir’s agrarian reforms of 1950s and 1970s
Itayosara Rojas HerreraLand regime change and commodities rushes: Frontier making processes in protected areas in the Colombian Amazon
Moges Belay BantieContemporary global commodity/land rushes and how these (re)shape the politics of food, labour and migration, climate, state-society relations and geopolitics in Ethiopia
Luciana dos Santos DuarteOntologies and social technologies in global value chains of rubber materials for fashion in the Western Amazon
Xueting Liang 
Drumo ZhoumaojiEconomic involvement of rural Tibetan women in contemporary Amdo and the transitions in their lives
Lorenza Arango VasquezInteractions between contemporary commodity/land rushes and the politics of food, labour (and migration) and citizenship in Colombia
Vincenzo FucciInvestigating the realization of an eco-social turn in Latin America as an alternative development model
Wenxiao Hou 
Fatema Baheranwala 


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