How and to what extent does governance help or hinder social justice?
This forms the basis of the research carried out by members of the Governance, Law and Social Justice (GLSJ) research group. GLSJ researchers produce internationally leading, socially committed and societally relevant research on issues of governance from a social justice perspective.
Our research combines multiple disciplines with a focus on fields such politics, political economy, public administration and management, global governance and international law. Thematically, our research initiatives are concerned, amongst others, with topics such as:
- the political economy of crisis management
- the role of causality and complexity in political economy analysis
- human rights, conflicts and peace building
- social movements
- legal mobilization
- citizenship and migration
- climate and disasters
- development assistance and humanitarian action
- translocal livelihoods and border regimes
In our research, we aim to ensure societal relevance through capacity development activities in the global South and active involvement in public and policy debates within and beyond Europe.

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