Development Economics researchers

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The Development Economics research group works with a wide variety of researchers including ISS faculty, post-docs, visiting researchers and PhD candidates.

ISS faculty and post-docs

Visiting researchers

Brahim Bergougui
Delphin Ntanyoma
Fergus Simpson
Brandon Sommer
J. Zhang
Andrea Floridi

PhD researchers

Zahid Ali AbbasiGrowth not accompanied by commensurate development in Pakistan
Muhammad BadiuzzmanHousehold decision-making in the shadow of violence: Evidence from the CHT region of Bangladesh
Amaya BayneWomen, indignity, knowledges and power in the Ecuadorian Amazon
Tung DaoFinding the right trade policies: Explaining the success of liberalizing the economy
Tien Ha My Duong 
Alberto Estrada Mares 
Vincenzo Fucci 
Hati Gitundu 
Adiam HailemichaelUnleashing the growth potential of women entrepreneurs: Experimental evidence from Ethiopia
Isbah Hameed 
Wenxiao Hou 
Xenegay Huur 
Le Van Lam 
Xuenting Liang 
Ibeth Lopez Cazar 
Nicola Mangraviti 
Margarita MechevaEssays on the economics of the nutrition transition in Indonesia
Poonam Mehta 
Hien Thi Tam Nguyen 
Thanh Tung Nguyen 
Yuhan Ou 
Shradha Parashari 
Noc Tham Pham 
Man Nhu Pham 
David SabogalArtisanal mining and indigenous livelihoods in the Peruvian Amazon
Jeremy SroujiThe emergence of international money in a bi or tri-polar world
Thu Vu 
Rio Widianto 
Zhiqi XuThe Sustainable Development of China’s Poverty Alleviation Resettlement

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