dr. BA (Binyam Afewerk) Demena


Binyam Afewerk Demena holds the Assistant Professor of Development Economics position at the International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam, in The Netherlands. His research, deeply rooted in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), centres on international economics, environmental impacts, development, and health. Guided by three pillars - academic excellence, interdisciplinary research approaches, and societal relevance - his work aims to make creative and novel contributions through cutting-edge econometrics, with the goal of publication in top-tier field journals and research that contributes to solving societal challenges.

His research approach is characterized by a firm commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration, as evidenced by the diverse array of projects he has undertaken. Binyam is dedicated to creating societal impact by addressing and solving challenges through his research initiatives. His extensive research portfolio encompasses systematic research synthesis and meta-analysis, along with active involvement in impact evaluation projects covering a wide spectrum of topics. These include the uptake of solar energy systems, environmental emissions, international trade, foreign direct investment, economic sanctions, information and communications technology for development (ICT4D), public health, public governance, rural infrastructure programs, and formalization of informal firms. Utilizing observational, experimental, and quasi-experimental evaluation techniques, he has made notable contributions to esteemed scientific journals. His work has been featured in publications such as World Development, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, Land Use Policy, Environmental Resource and Economics, Energy Economics, Energy Policy, Labour Economics, Journal of Economic Surveys, AIDS Patient Care and STDs, Applied Economics, and Third World Quarterly.

With a solid background in field research in low- and middle-income countries, Binyam recently served as the co-coordinator and principal investigator for a targeted EU/ACP-financed research project to enhance the capacity of policymakers, exporters, and trade associations in Tanzania. The project adopts a multi-dimensional approach involving knowledge generation, capacity building, and value chain development, funded by the Secretariat of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP).

In addition to his research endeavours, Binyam has substantial experience as a teacher, primarily in Economics, research methodology, and critical assessment of scientific literature. He holds a University Teaching Qualification (Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs, BKO). Notably, he has recently developed a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on trade and investment: evidence-based policies for development, funded by the EUR’s Centre for Learning and Innovation (CLI).

Binyam holds a PhD and MA in Development Studies (with a focus on Development Economics) from the ISS, Erasmus University Rotterdam in The Netherlands, and a BA in Economics from the University of Asmara. Furthermore, he holds Cisco Networking Academy Certifications for IT Essentials.

International Institute of Social Studies

Assistant professor | Academic staff unit


  • Binyam Afewerk Demena (2016) - FDI, Spillovers and firm-level heterogeneity: Identifying the transmission channels (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic

  • Binyam Afewerk Demena (2023) - best paper award

4241 Int Trade & Investment Policies

Course Code

5401 Research Paper

Course Code

9103 Quantitative Skills, Devt Studies

Course Code

Board of Examiners

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Major ECD

Course Code

General Information

Course Code

3105 Research Paper Preparation

Course Code

Int Trade & Investment Policues Sust.Dev

Course Code

News regarding dr. BA (Binyam Afewerk) Demena

Binyam Demena advises Dutch government on EU trade relations with Africa

Demena presented on the power, interests and trade-offs that play a role in the process of negotiating EU trade agreements with African countries
Photo of Binyam Afewerk Demena at roundtable discussion on EU Trade Agreements with the Standing Committee on Foreign Trade and Development of the Dutch House of Representatives

Exaggerating (or not) the effects of export promotion policies and programmes

Are the effects of export promotions policies and programmes exaggerated? And what is the effect of this? Read this article by Dr Binyam Demena
Tanzania Trade Capacity Building Programme - REPOA - harbour

Trade agreements can positively impact the agricultural food trade

Do regional trade agreements affect the agri-food trade? The authors of this article argue that they do. Find out more about their findings.

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