
462 search results for Master degree program in English in International Institute of Social Studies.


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  • Collaboration with Erasmus University Rotterdam
    Showcasing collaboration with Erasmus University Rotterdam and its several large scale research programmes on issues such as cities, health, and innovation
  • Research groups
    Operating within the framework of the research programme Global Development and Social Justice, and contributing to the overall research objectives of the…
  • Application deadlines
    Starting dates, application deadlines and fees. All programmes run in the same period in the next year, with the same application deadlines
  • Hosted at ISS
    Apart from providing a top MA in Development Studies and PhD programme, the International Institute of Social Studies is also host to many other organizations,…
  • (Sai Sam) SS Kham
    Sai Sam Kham is a PhD researcher at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS, The Hague), Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is a member of the …
  • Board of Appeals for Examinations
    Every institution for higher education has a Board of Appeals for Examinations (CBE) according to the Higher Education and Research Act (WHW). The independent…
  • Ethiopian health extension programme helps reduce maternal mortality
    Animation highlighting impact of government programme
  • Arrange a visit to ISS
    Are you in or close to the Netherlands? Would you like to pay a visit to the International Institute of Social Studies to find out more about the MA programme,…
  • Joint PhD with Ruhr Universität Bochum in Germany
    A joint PhD programme with The Institute of Development Research and Development in the field of development studies.
  • (Sumbal) S Bashir
    Sumbal Bashir is an international development practitioner and researcher, and a gender and digital rights advocate.  Her doctoral research is focused on…

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