RGHI participants and partners at Erasmus MC excel in infectious disease research (Prof.dr. Jan Hendrik Richardus, Prof.dr. Sake de Vlas, Prof. Annelies Verbon, Prof.dr. Hubert Endtz), virosciences (Prof.dr. M. Koopmans, Prof.dr. Eric van Gorp), microbiology, NCDs, bioinformatics (Prof.dr. Peter Van der Spek), and gastro-enterology (Prof.dr. Maikel Peppelenbosch).
A shared interest across the public health, biomedical and clinical participants in the RGHI pertains to the desire to enhance the clinical and systemic effectiveness of interventions, particularly in challenged environments. This is – for instance – demonstrated by cross-cutting Erasmus-based research on disaster/epidemics preparedness, linking basic science and clinical innovation to disease control and health systems strengthening.
Social protection for tuberculosis-affected household after the implementation of universal health coverage in Indonesia

EquiNaM: building evidence to support equitable improvement in newborn and maternal health

Evaluating the Impact of Risk Information and Screening on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in the Philippines