
461 search results for Master degree program in English in International Institute of Social Studies.


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  • Cum laude for Eric Gutierrez for his thesis on opium and coca value chains
    Public defence of his 'groundbreaking' PhD thesis
  • ISS Online Education Fairs 2021
    Meet ISS online to learn more about our study programmes. Drop by the virtual booths to have a chat, watch the videos and download the information materials.
  • In conversation: Professor Thea Hilhorst
    On designing a robust, protective PhD environment that ensures candidates can have the fruitful experience they are entitled to during and beyond their PhD
  • Nguyen Phu Quoc
    Nguyen Phu Quoc explains the benefits of the joint MSc in Applied Economics at ISS and the University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • In conversation: Professor Arjun Bedi
    On the occasion of meeting the milestone of 250 PhD graduates at ISS, we sat down with Prof. Arjun Bedi to discuss the past, present and future of ISS research.
  • prof.dr. (Jun) SM Borras
    Saturnino ('Jun') M. Borras Jr. is Professor of Agrarian Studies at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in The Hague, and was the Editor-in…
  • The paradoxical impact of Chinese aid and political favouritism
    Introducing Dr John Cruzatti C., Assistant Professor in development economics.
  • Hanging by a thread: what’s right – and wrong – with the new German supply chain law meant to protect human rights
    By Josephine Valeske
  • Cities and climate change: Readjusting notions of risk and resilience
    Professor Portraits - A conversation with newly-appointed Professor Shuaib Lwasa about climate change, urban development, megacities and resilience
  • Transforming minds: using theory to address crises
    In this interview, Dr Karim Knio explores his passion for uncovering the deeper mechanisms behind political crises using innovative theories

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