
461 search results for Master degree program in English in International Institute of Social Studies.


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  • Waterland: The importance of reflecting on water and land
    Introducing Dr Luisa Cortesi, Assistant Professor of Water, Disasters, and Environmental Justice
  • dr. (Jeff) JD Handmaker
    I joined the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), which is the Hague Campus of Erasmus University Rotterdam in February 2007. Among my external…
  • ISS-IBEI track
    The ISS-IBEI track seeks to deepen applicants’ knowledge in problem situating approaches of public policy. The logic of this track essentially revolves around…
  • Feminist Dialogues
    Feminists discuss the realities of, and scholarship on, violent conflict, militarization, gender and struggles for social justice and peace.
  • Start of the MA in Development Studies
    Fully online MA programme has started
  • Vacancy for Assistant Professor in Urban Governance and Development Policy
    Part of the Vital Cities and Citizens programme
  • Uptake & societal engagement - When Disaster Meets Conflict
    Consultancies and collaborations Platform for Humanitarian Knowledge Exchange (KUNO), NL
  • ISS-York track
    The ISS-York track specializes in topics revolving around Governance and Development. If ‘governance’ entails a process which goes beyond the realm of nation…
  • (Ana Lucia) AL Badillo Salgado
    Ana is a PhD candidate at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS). Her research centers on the political economy of social protection reforms in…
  • More about the C3 project
    Project Leader:  Dr Karim Knio, Senior Lecturer in Politics The apocryphal statement ‘Don’t waste a good crisis’ suggests that crises, for many observers,…

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