What is the right humanitarian response to the crisis in Venezuela?

On 25 February 2019, a group of 20 humanitarian professionals met in The Hague to discuss their humanitarian response to the crisis in and around Venezuela.

The group included programme, communications, policy and management officers. They met at the office of the Dutch refugee organization, Stichting VluchtelingOpens external. The meeting was arranged by KUNO (Humanitarian Knowledge Exchange)Opens external, a platform of NGOs working in the field of humanitarian aid and devoted to humanitarian knowledge exchange in the Netherlands. All the organizations involved are part of the Dutch Relief AllianceOpens external, a consortium of Dutch NGOs.

The participants discussed the situation in Venezuela and neighbouring countries with the aim of helping them make the right choices related to programming, communications and advocacy in their humanitarian response.

ISS involvement

Invited speakers included professionals working in the areas of human rights and social policies. ISS PhD researcher, Blas Regnault, was one of the invited speakers, giving a lecture on the current situation in Venezuela and explaining the magnitude of the humanitarian crisis there.

PhD student