WEGO-Innovation Training Network (WEGO-ITN)
- Funded by the European Union, the Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie WEGOITN hosted 15 PhD researchers, who together with their mentors created the first European ITN on Feminist Political Ecology from 2018-2022.
- WEGO looked at wellbeing, ecology, gender and communities using a feminist political ecology lens working with communities in Spain, UK, Germany, Italy, Canada, India, Nepal, Uruguay and Kenya.
- The network FEST* is continuing the work of WEGO as PhDs complete their projects and publish their results in journals, books and blog posts.
What did WEGO achieve?
- Feminist Methodologies: Experiments, collaborations and reflections with over 100K downloads since publication in April 2022. Download your copy now!
- Contours of Feminist Political Ecology with 33K downloads since publication in January 2023 ()
- Degrowth and feminist political ecology and decoloniality: Some reflections by the Wellbeing, Ecology, Gender and cOmmunities innovation training network DevISSues, November 2021
- Reflecting on the ethics of PhD research in the Global South: reciprocity, reflexivity and situatedness C. Millora et al., Acta Academica Vol. 52 No.1 2020
- Practices of care in times of COVID-19 M. Gomez Becerra and E. Muneri-Wangari, Frontiers June 2021
- A pandemic of blindness: Uneven experiences of rural communities under COVID-19 lockdown in India - Part I
- A pandemic of blindness: Uneven experiences of rural communities under COVID-19 lockdown in India - Part II

- ‘Flowers along feminist virtual water flows: An ethnography of glocal connections springing in Maharastra, India’ (Social Science Research Institute, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) completed in 2023.
- ‘Bodies, technologies and wellbeing: Feminist Political Ecology of Aging’ (International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University, The Netherlands) completed in 2023.
- ‘The feminist political ecology of mining and gender and ethnic identities in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia’ (University of Passau, Germany) completed in 2023.
- ‘The politics of food in urban Southern Europe’ (Free University of Berlin, Germany) completed in 2023.
- ‘Climate Change adaptation programmes and political violence in Nepal’ (University of Oslo, Norway) to be completed in 2024.
- ‘Changing gender relations in the face of climate change in pastoral communities in Southern Kenya’ (Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, United Kingdom) to be completed in 2024.
- ‘Fracking in contemporary Britain: Fracturing landscapes, knowledge and power’ (University of Brighton, United Kingdom) to be completed in 2024.
- ‘Crowding out care: The gendered discourse analysis of care and family farms in Indonesian oil palm’ (University of Brighton, United Kingdom) to be completed in 2024.
- ‘Eating relations: community economies, belonging and the place-based food in the mega city of Chennai, India’ (University of Passau, Germany) to be completed in 2024.
- ‘The politics of care and defining the good life: Elderly women’s community food economy in rural Japan’ (University of Wageningen, The Netherlands) to be completed in 2024.
- ‘Commoning the city: the labours of social reproduction in environmental justice and feminist struggles for an emancipatory post-growth urban life’ (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain) to be completed in 2024.
- ‘Relationships of (wo)man and nature as seen through water politics’ (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain) to be completed in 2024.
With its multi-media outputs, WEGO was able to reach a bigger, broader and more diverse public.
The network produced:
- Troubling Waterscapes - Tracing, narrating and mapping-back water in multiple socionatural forms
- a series of informational videos about academic writing
- Unheard voices - Wangari-Maathai women, peace and environment. Recording of a WEGO-ITN workshop
- a Feminist Political Ecology podcast
- a series of WEGO blog posts
What is Feminist Political Ecology?
Feminist political ecology (FPE) is 'a process of doing environmentalism, justice and feminism differently' (Harcourt and Nelson 2015: 9). It is a research and practice that builds on political ecology to include gendered power relations across a range of scales: between local, intra-household and intra-community processes from local to global.
FPE has a ‘commitment to feminist epistemology, methods and values … where emphasis is given to research and practice that empowers and promotes social and ecological transformation for women and other marginalized groups' (Elmhirst 2018: 1).
Contact the WEGO-ITN network

Professor Wendy Harcourt
- Email address
- harcourt@iss.nl

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 764908-WEGO 2018-2021.