'There's care involved in every aspect of what we do'

An interview with Dr Khayaat Fakier and Agustina Solera

Dr Khayaat Fakier became the new Prince Claus Chairholder (PCC) in September 2021. In January 2022 Agustina Solera PhD joined Khayaat as the Postdoctoral Researcher.

What are their upcoming plans and what’s the importance of care in their work?

A warm welcome with commitment and support

In February 2022, Khayaat met Agustina and hosting professor Wendy Harcourt at ISS The Hague. Khayaat: “It felt incredibly welcoming and warm. The visit strengthened the bond that began with our earlier online meetings. Also meeting the Curatorium members was immensely helpful and warm. They were informed about South Africa and its history and I appreciated their strong commitment and political support to my work. I am sure we will develop a meaningful relationship that can be beneficial for our institutions in South Africa and the Netherlands. We hope to be able to create a real, tangible impact.”

Read the full interview on the PCC website - 'Off to a flying start'Opens external