'Confidence in our own abilities: Suriname´s State Oil Company as a Development Agent'

The Centro para Democracia en Deselvolvimento is hosting an international discussion on 'Confidence in our own abilities: Suriname´s State Oil Company as a Development Agent'.

Organized by ISS alumnus, Dr Adriano Nuvunga, the webinar will include Professor Wil Hout as guest speaker.

His presentation will be proceeded by Head of Cooperation at the Netherlands Embassy in Maputo, Mr. Michiel van der Pompe, who will make the official opening.

Dra. Marcelina Joel, a lawyer at Ministério dos Recursos Minerais e Energia (MIREME), and Dr Anibal Mblalango, in representation of the Autoridade Tributária de Moçambique (AT), are the discussants of the whole international webinar series.

Dr Agostinho Viana and Dr Moisés Siúta will give the opening remarks in representation of the PIE and FMO respectively.

Professor Adriano Nuvunga, Director of CDD and FMO Chair, is the host and moderator of the international webinar series.

Date and time

Date: Thursday, 24 September 2020

Time: from 14:00 to 16:00 (Maputo Time).

How to participate

Please join the webinar via this Zoom link

Zoom id: 812 7586 2111

Password: Free Access 

With livestream on CDD Facebook @CDDMoz 

Simultaneous Translation: English – Portuguese – English


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