Blinde vlekken in onze klimaataapakOpens external - Dr Daphina Misiedjan talks about climate inequality and injustice on Dutch radio NPO1, 5 November 2022
Klimaatrechtvaardigheid: rijke landen vervuilen en arme landen gaan ten onderOpens external - Dr Daphina Misiedjan on NPO2 programme Vroege Vogels on climate injustice, 6 November 2022
Lage lonen en goedkope krachten: Wie doorbreekt de machtspositie van supermarkten?Opens external - Interview with Dr Karin Astrid Siegmann on her research on migrant labour in agriculture in Dutch newspaper AD, 2 October 2022 (in Dutch)
Ebba Tellander försvarade framgångsrikt sin avhandlingOpens external - article about recent ISS PhD graduate, Ebba Tellander Swedish newspaper Dama-Demokraten, 27 September 2022 (in Swedish)
Hoge inflatie én personeelstekort: Wat is dit voor rare economie?Opens external - Interview with Professor Irene van Staveren in Dutch newspaper Trouw, 20 August (in Dutch, log in required)
'Overhaaste hulp na een crisis kan tot nieuwe conflicten leiden'Opens external - Article by Professor Thea Hilhorst on the dangers of being too hasty with aid after a conflict (in Dutch).
Stimmen aus PapuaOpens external - Article by PhD researcher Tamara Soukotta on former Indonesian President Megawati Soekarnoputri's 'joke' about meatball soup sellers and West Papuans (in German, see also How a joke can expose classist and racist views.
Vertrauen auf russischen WeizenOpens external - Article in quoting Dr Oane Visser about Russian wheat and sanctions (in German)
'Pays-Bas: Ce petit pays qui nourrit la planete'Opens external - Article based on interview with Dr Karin Astrid Siegmann on the working conditions of migrant workers in Dutch agriculture (in French, paid content)
'Economische sancties: vijf fun facts en een VAR voorspelling'Opens external - Presentation by Professor Peter van Bergeijk on the future of economic sanctions (in Dutch - starts at 57:33)
G7 waarschuwt voor wereldwijde graancrisisOpens external - Interview with Dr Oane Visser about the threat of a global grain crisis. NOS Radio 1 (in Dutch)
Professor Thea Hilhorst over de humanitaire ramp in OekraïneOpens external - Interview with Thea Hilhorst for Studio Erasmus, 24 March 2022 (in Dutch).