prof.dr. PAG (Peter) van Bergeijk


For how unjust is it, if when we allow different recreations to each particular course of life, we afford no diversion to studies; especially when trifles may be a whet to more serious thoughts, and comical matters may be so treated of, as that a reader of ordinary sense may possibly thence reap more advantage than from some more big and stately argument. 

International Institute of Social Studies

Professor emeritus | Academic staff unit


  • Peter van Bergeijk (14 September 2023) - 2023 IATRC Annual Meeting
  • Peter van Bergeijk (6 April 2023) - deglobalisering BNR nieuwsradio
  • Peter van Bergeijk (24 December 2022) - Economic globalization refuses to back off
  • Peter van Bergeijk (13 September 2022) - De Nieuwe Wereld BNR Nieuws Radio
  • Peter van Bergeijk (13 September 2022) - Wat als we sancties slimmer inzetten
  • Peter van Bergeijk (4 September 2022) - voor veroveringsplannen heeft Rusland straks geen middelen meer
  • Peter van Bergeijk (4 May 2022) - Stop Putin's Rollende Roebel
  • Peter van Bergeijk (2 May 2022) - Zullen sancties voldoende zijn om Russische tanks en raketten in Oekraïne te stoppen?
  • Peter van Bergeijk (30 April 2022) - De roebel rolt maar door, hoe kan dat?!
  • Peter van Bergeijk (26 April 2022) - Sancties tegen Rusland zijn speldenprikken

  • Peter van Bergeijk (2022) - keynote fagseminar Krigsøkonomi og sanksjoner (Participant)
    Activity: Other Academic
  • Peter van Bergeijk (2022) - Deglobalisation 2.0: Historical perspective on a topical debate (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Academic
  • Peter van Bergeijk (2022) - Kakanomics: economic sanction - do they work (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Popular
  • Peter van Bergeijk (2022) - Marx in Groeiland (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Professional
  • Peter van Bergeijk (2022) - Why we need more business research on economic sanctions (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Academic
  • Peter van Bergeijk (2022) - Eonomic Sanctions: Five fun facts and a forecast (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Academic
  • Peter van Bergeijk (2022) - De volgende pandemie: de zomer van 2022 (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Professional
  • Peter van Bergeijk (2022) - Pandemic Economics and Deglobalization (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Academic
  • PAG (Peter) van Bergeijk (2021) - La Diplomacia Económica en el Entorno Global de la Post-Pandemia” (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Professional
  • PAG (Peter) van Bergeijk (2021) - Vragen bij deglobalisering en strategische autonomie (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Professional

  • D Irankunda & PAG (Peter) van Bergeijk (2021) - Best Paper 2020 Journal of African Business

4241 Int Trade & Investment Policies

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5401 Research Paper

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3105 Research Paper Preparation

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Int Trade & Investment Policues Sust.Dev

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  • Jose Albuquerque de Sousa

    International stock markets: Essays on the determinants and consequences of financial market development

News regarding prof.dr. PAG (Peter) van Bergeijk

Debunking the myth of economic data accuracy

Peter van Bergeijk recently published a thought-provoking book, 'On the Inaccuracies of Economic Observations', available now for purchase
A portrait of Professor Peter van Bergeijk. In the background is a black backdrop. He wears a thin-framed pair of glasses and a pattern blue jacket.

What is the impact of physical border walls on trade flows?

In this article, the authors argue that physical border walls have had a stong trade-reducing impact on the countries setting them up

The East African Community’s regional economic integration efforts are starting to pay off

BlISS post extoling the success of push by the East African Community push for regional economic integration
Arusha Declaration Monument - Tanzania

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