The dissertation writing exercise was probably the best thing that I ever did in my life.
Moushira Elgeziri
ISS PhD graduate from Lebanon.
The great thing about the ISS PhD programme
How did the study contribute to your career?
The subject of my study – women education and employment – was a huge asset for my previous job at the Ford Foundation because it fell squarely within their areas of interest. I spent 8 years at the Foundation and moved on to Lebanon to work for another organization concerned with social sciences. Again the knowledge and skills I gathered from my PhD years at the ISS have been extremely valuable in my current position.
What was your overall experience at ISS?
Extremely rewarding! I was in my 40s when I started my PhD and will always be grateful that Nuffic accepted me as a ‘mature student’. I had great supervisors and mentors. They were not specialists on the Middle East but were excellent otherwise. The dissertation writing exercise was probably the best thing that I ever did in my life.