Amanda P. Díaz Ramírez

ISS allowed me to be in touch with different cultures and professional backgrounds, with incredible human beings – lecturers and classmates- truly devoted to development and with critical and defiant views.

Amanda P. Díaz Ramírez

2007-2008 - Local and Regional Development (LDR)

Name: Amanda P. Díaz Ramírez

Country: Colombia

Organization: International Finance Corporation (IFC)

Position: Operations Officer, Sustainable Infrastructure Advisory

Study at ISS: Local and Regional Development (LDR)

Year of graduation: 2007

How did the study contribute to your career?

It helped me to make a transition from working as an engineer to find ways for the private sector to better contribute to development. Also, it opened my eyes on diversity and inclusion, and to topics, trends and situations totally new to me, when hearing from a truly international community. The ISS network has also helped me to find jobs in my areas of interest after finishing the Master.

What was your overall experience at ISS?

A word to describe it: ‘Unforgettable’. ISS allowed me to be in touch with different cultures and professional backgrounds, with incredible human beings – lecturers and classmates- truly devoted to development and with critical and defiant views. Also, helped me to be part of a professional network that continue nurturing me, and most important, a global friendship net that continues growing.

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