
462 search results for Master degree program in English in International Institute of Social Studies.


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  • Social networks and access to CVD preventive care in El Salvador
    Objective: This project aims at evaluating whether social networks can enhance the impact that traditional cash transfer programs have on accessing a...
  • New appointment for Dr Jojo Nem Singh at Wilson Centre
    Dr Jojo Nem Singh was recently appointed as a Global Fellow at the Wilson Center Environmental Change and Security Program
  • Congratulations to the 2022/2023 graduates
    On 20 December, we proudly watched as the 2022/2023 batch of students received their Master of Arts in Development Studies
  • Challenges of the EU-Turkey non-refoulement scheme
    ISS alumna wins best master thesis award
  • LPDP-Netherlands: Joint Scholarship Programme
    The LPDP-Netherlands: Joint Scholarship Programme aims to optimise the resources that the collaborating organisations have by
  • PhD defences in 2008
    Juan Ponce Jarrin - 3 May 2008 Educational Policy and Performance: Evaluating the Impact of Targeted Education Programs in Ecuador Professor Rob Vos (Promotor…
  • Research
    With our Global Development and Social Justice research programme, ISS finds responses to problems such as poverty, inequality, migration, conflict and ecology
  • Education
    The International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) provides top-quality education in the social sciences to postgraduate professionals. Our study programmes
  • Connect with a programme advisor
    Thinking of doing your MA at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) but still have some unanswered questions? Get connected with the ISS study…
  • Apply to ISS - PhD
    Applications for the PhD programme are welcomed from qualified candidates wishing to undertake research on a specific topic within the Institute.

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