
461 search results for Master degree program in English in International Institute of Social Studies.


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  • 1st annual meeting of team working on achieving sustainable development goals
    Participants in the ADAPTED Innovative Training Network on Eradicating poverty Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
  • Development Economics valorization
    What is the societal impact of our Development Economics research? Discover details our research citation scores and social impact.
  • Request and borrow
    Request and borrow books from the ISS Library. International Institute of Social Studies. Academic Library in The Hague. Part of Erasmus University Rotterdam.
  • Free scholarly resources
    Free scholarly resources, academic, journals, ebooks, data, open access
  • An evaluation of the Flying Geese development framework
    Successful PhD defence by Shigehisa Kasahara
  • drs. (Marije) ML Balt
    Marije Balt is foreign policy advisor and works with the Advisory Council on International Affairs. She is a former Netherlands government diplomat with nearly…
  • Passing away of Dr Freek Schiphorst
    With a heavy heart we share the news that Dr Freek Schiphorst passed away on 30 March 2023.
  • From Research to Action: How Community Researchers in Nairobi Promote Social Transformation
    Community researchers from Mathare, Kenya, and researchers from Erasmus University Rotterdam share their experiences to enhance social benefits.
  • PhD positions at ISS
  • Legal Mobilization Platform
    The Legal Mobilization Platform aims to mobilize the legal obligations of states

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