
462 search results for Master degree program in English in International Institute of Social Studies.


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  • Evaluating SMS to promote retention and adherence to ART programs
    Objective: Lack of retention and adherence to antiretroviral treatment (ART) leads to increased mortality and suboptimal health outcomes of HIV patients.
  • (Ahmed) AASH Elassal, MA
    Ahmed El Assal is a PhD candidate at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Erasmus University Rotterdam; he holds an MA in Governance,…
  • dr. (Elsie) EK Onsongo
    Elsie's research interest lies in the area of innovation for inclusive development. She explores how frugal and inclusive business models in base of…
  • Richard Jolly
    Richard Jolly Sir Richard Jolly has been a leading figure in
  • Areas of research
    The joint programme forms part of the research group on Governance, Law and Social Justice (GLSJ). Research performed by members of the group explores how and…
  • prof.dr. (Natascha) N Wagner
    Research Interests: Microeconomics, Microeconometrics, Micro-Development, Impact Evaluations, Health Economics (HIV/AIDS, Maternal & Child Health), Urban …
  • Jan Pronk
    Jan Pronk Professor Jan Pronk, has garnered repute as one of the
  • RGHI member Zemzem Shigute Shuka appointed to Board of Trustees KNCV Tuberculosefonds
    Zemzem Shigute Shuka is appointed to the KNCV Board of Trustees. With her expertise and knowledge about the Global South she looks forward to enhance the board.
  • PhD community
    PhD researchers at ISS form a vibrant and diverse community. They are represented in various management bodies at ISS and organize social events. Find out more.
  • (Salena) SF Tramel
    Salena Tramel is a PhD researcher at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in The Hague, where her work is centered on the intersections of…

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