
462 search results for Master degree program in English in International Institute of Social Studies.


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  • Benno Ndulu
    Honorary Fellow at ISS Benno Ndulu is best know for his involvement in developing and setting up the African Economic Research Consortium.
  • International Political Economy and Development
    This specialization provides students with a better understanding of the international dimensions of development issues. The specialization draws on the…
  • Petro Aurelian Mahuwi (GDP) (2019 -2020)
    It is one of the few institutes in Europe offering development studies Masters tailored to the context of Africa
  • dr. (Karim) MKA Kniou
    Biography – Dr. Karim Knio Profile Dr. Karim Knio is an Associate Professor in International Political Economy and Governance at the Institute of Social Studies…
  • 'Same storm, different boat' - finding solutions to climate change
    Dutch television broadcast in which Dr Daphina Misiedjan discusses how global problems have different affects depending on the resources at our disposal.
  • ‘I cannot understand your question’: challenges and opportunities of including persons with disabilities in participatory evaluation
    by Gersán Vásquez Gutiérrez
  • Public Policy and Management
    The PPM specialization prepares students to contribute effectively to policy analysis, preparation, implementation and evaluation processes especially in…
  • (Doi) D Ra
  • Urban Health
    With over half of the world’s population living in cities, and megacities springing up in many parts of the globe, the wide array of challenges which…
  • Women and Gender studies
    The specialization in Women and Gender Studies provides advanced, interdisciplinary studies that address the interface between the material and the discursive…

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