How can Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) training strengthen youth inclusion in Benin?

The ISS-managed project 'Building Capacity of Education Institutions in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) for Youth Inclusion in Benin' (DSSR-BJ), is a response to the call for proposals on institutional collaboration in SRHR through the Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP). This is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed by Nuffic.
The project is set within the context of significant SRHR challenges faced by young people in Benin. Taking a gender-transformative and youth-sensitive approach, the project strengthens the capacity of technical and vocational education and training/ higher education (TVET/HE) institutions and partners to integrate youth-focused SRHR training. Additionally, the project supports an evidence-based platform for diverse stakeholders (including youth) to network for SRHR dialogue, policy engagement and advocacy.
Project strategies include SRHR curriculum review and integration, teaching/training capacity strengthening and a research-based platform for SRHR dialogue and policy engagement. Collaboration and cross learning among participating organizations will empower SRHR professionals by transforming their attitudes and increasing their knowledge and skills to strengthen their collective efficacy for youth inclusion

This will improve the capacity of youth to navigate diverse SRH contexts and increase their chances for success in education and in the labour market. In the long term, the local consortium including the proposed platform for policy engagement will be a sustainable focal point for continual SRHR curricular review and updates, capacity enhancement of staff, research and documentation of SRHR education, and improved intergenerational dialogue on SRHR and inclusion.
Project team led by ISS
- Dr Auma Okwany - Project director
- Dr Veronika Goussatchenko - Project manager
Expert team
- Dr Naomi van Stapele, Hague University of Applied Sciences
- Dr Helen Hintjens, ISS
Benin partners
- L’Université d’Abomey-Calavi (UAC)
- L’Université Nationale d’Agriculture (UNA)
- L’Université Nationale des Sciences, Technologie, Ingénierie et Mathématiques (UNSTIM)
- L'Institut national d'ingénierie de formation et de renforcement des capacités de formateurs (INIFRCF)
- Rayons des Initiatives Culturelles Musicales et des Arts Oroux (RICMAO ASSO)
Dutch partner
- Email address
Please contact Dr Auma Okwany for more information about this project