Hosted at the International Institute of Social Studies since 2019, CERES is the only research school in the Netherlands that offers training for Dutch and foreign PhD researchers in the field of international development.
Its training courses offer a unique learning experience. The CERES PhD training programme is characterized by a ‘hands-on’ learning-through-practice approach. Its programme aims to increase the skills and knowledge required for writing a viable, implementable and academic research proposal.
The programme is open to all beginning PhD researchers and Research Master students who are working on their research proposals.
PhD course brochure
Download the latest PhD course brochure. For a fee, these courses are also open to non-CERES members.
CERES publications rankings
CERES has updated its publications rankings for journal and book publishers for 2023 (for journals, using the 2022 JIFs released this summer; for books, based on the Google Scholar hits as of end of June 2023).
Contact CERES

- Email address
- ceres@ceresresearchschool.nl
Join CERES on Twitter