What we offer
ISS career services are geared to help students get acquainted to the labour market and support them in uncovering their goals and talents. Many ISS MA candidates leave their previous jobs looking for new challenges within the academic or development sector. Some of our MA graduates move on within the academic world and pursue a PhD, while others look for a job in local and international development, humanitarianism, civil society and public service. Our goal is to provide services that equip students with the knowledge, confidence and know-how around a new labour market.
We accomplish this by:
- hosting workshops and a coach/career programme
- hosting alumni talks with Q&A sessions
- actively participate in local and regional career events
- share internship and job opportunities with the entire student and global alumni community.
In addition, ISS has a special Career Services Corner in the library. Here you will find interesting books on career planning and networking, flyers with tips where to search for a job, announcements of presentations and adverts on a notice board.
Career programmes
ISS Coach Cafe is a workshop offered to MA students before they graduate. Students meet in small groups with ISS alumni to discuss their strengths, their dream jobs and the next steps in their careers. The workshop helps students who perhaps need confirmation or clarification into what they’re actually good at, weren’t aware of, or which direction to go after their studies. This programme has been offered for the past few years due to well-received feedback.
Change Agents in the Making is a program developed by the Coachange consultancy team which guides students through the job hunting process and the transition to a career in the international development and social impact sector. By making use of their own experiences navigating the development sector, the Coachange consultancy team aims to equip young professionals with tools to support them in their personal and professional development journey.
The Change Agents in the Making was implemented for students from the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), providing group workshops and personalized training as well as coaching sessions.
Check out an example of our workshops

Recent career events
Coach Cafe over the years

Career services at Erasmus University Rotterdam
ISS students benefit from the range of career services of the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). This varies from individual support checking your CV or LinkedIn profile, to participating in various workshops on, amongst others, networking and job searching strategies.