Researcher profiles

  • prof.dr. (Wil) W Hout

    Wil Hout is professor of Governance and International Political Economy at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) of Erasmus University Rotterdam…
    prof.dr. (Wil) W Hout
  • dr. (Roy) RBC Huijsmans

    Research agenda: My research is concerned with how children and young people are affected by and contribute to societal development and change. For this I have…
    dr. (Roy) RBC Huijsmans
  • prof.dr. (Inge) I Hutter

    Prof Inge Hutter is professor of Participatory and Qualitative Research in Population and Development at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS),…
    prof.dr. (Inge) I Hutter
  • drs. (Xanegay) XS Huur - Finkie

    My main research field is in Suistanable Development and Natural Resources. I am particullary interest in the suistanable development of small resource-based…
    drs. (Xanegay) XS Huur - Finkie
  • prof.dr. (Rosalba) RA Icaza Garza

    Global Politics, Feminisms and Decoloniality My research lies at the intersection of global politics, feminisms and decoloniality. The field of global politics…
    prof.dr. (Rosalba) RA Icaza Garza
  • (Mohammad Javad) MJ Imani khoshkhoo

    My research focuses on how marginalized groups appropriate ICTs. It is crucial for me to understand how these groups negotiate their agency within techno-social…
    (Mohammad Javad) MJ Imani khoshkhoo
  • (Tia) T Istianah

    (Tia) T Istianah
  • dr. (Shyamika) SMS Jayasundara - Smits

      My research and teaching focuses broadly on the inter-connections of Governance, Development, Violent conflict and Peace(building). More…
    dr. (Shyamika) SMS Jayasundara - Smits
  • (Yingfeng) Y Ji

    (Yingfeng) Y Ji
  • (Hyeonggeun) H Ji

    Hyeonggeun Ji is a PhD researcher at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS). He is member of a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant…
    (Hyeonggeun) H Ji

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