More information
- Xander Creed, Shyamika Jayasundara & SLiNK (Kelsey) Love (2025) - Taking it easy: Disrupting development, justice and reparations through black in-bodiment and creative expression in the USA - World Development, 190 - doi: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2025.106970 - [link]
- Xander Creed (2023) - Book review – We Belong to the Earth: Towards a Decolonial Feminist Pedagogy Rooted in Uhuru and Ubuntu (Nadira Omarjee) - [link]
- Xander Creed, Zeynep Kasli & Shyamika Jayasundara (2023) - Safe for Whom? A Human Security Perspective on Nigeria as a ‘Safe Country of Origin’ - Journal of Refugee Studies, 36 (3), 359-382 - doi: 10.1093/jrs/fead002 - [link]
- Mahardhika Sjamsoeoed Sadjad, Zeynep Kasli, Nanneke Winters, Haya Alfarra, Mausumi Chetia, Xander Creed, Vanessa Ntinu & Gabriela Villacis Izquierdo (2023) - Grappling with unease – together: collective reflections on Migration Studies and Colonialism by Mayblin and Turner - [link]
- Xander Creed & Jeff Handmaker (2023) - Protection from refuge: From refugee rights to migration management. By Kate Ogg.: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. 215 pp. $110.00 hardcover - Law & Society Review - doi: 10.1111/lasr.12656
- Xander Creed, Bushra Ali Khan & Huda Abdel-Rahman (2022) - Selectivity in the Recognition and Protection of Refugees: An Analysis of the Disparate Treatment of White and Non-White Refugees within the EU Asylum Regime - [link]
- Xander Creed (2022) - All Bark, No Bite? The Case for Human Security in European Migration & Asylum Governance - [link]
- Xander Creed & Lorenzo Gontijo (2022) - Towards Humane and Dignified Living Conditions for Refugees and Other Migrants: A Human Security Framework for Assessing ‘Migration Camps’ in Europe - [link]