(Anderson) A Macedo de Jesus, MSc


Anderson is a PhD candidate at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in the research programme Governance, Globalization and Social Justice (GGSJ).

He is an international development professional with over ten years of experience working in the academe, government agencies, and multilateral organization such as UNICEF, UNDP, and UNESCO.

His area of expertise comprises education, social policy analysis, Millennium Development Goals indicators, human development and monitoring & evaluation arena, being one of the coordinators of the Brazilian Human Development Report 2010.

Currently, he is conducting research in his field of expertise (education), aiming at carrying out an impact evaluation of a values-driven education programme in Brazil.

International Institute of Social Studies

Scholarship student | ISS PhD
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam


Events regarding (Anderson) A Macedo de Jesus, MSc

PhD defence by Anderson Macedo de Jesus

Can values-driven education effectively alter the prioritization of values among students and, if so, under what conditions?
Anderson Mecado de Jesus

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