Over 60% find jobs in academia worldwide, with many others working for NGOs, governments or international organizations.
In August 2020 the ISS PhD Alumni Association held a survey among the then 211 PhD alumni who have graduated from the International Institute of Social Studies. The 138 responses we received gave a clear picture of where ISS researchers originate from, where they find work and in which positions.
Our PhD researchers originate from around the world, the majority from countries in Africa and Asia. And after graduation they find work in countries as diverse as Ethiopia, India, the Netherlands, China, Vietnam and Ghana. This truly international spread is enhancing the strategic aim of Erasmus University Rotterdam to become a global university.
ISS PhD Alumni Association
The ISS PhD Alumni Association (IPAA) builds its community through discussion platforms, conferences, news sharing, blogs, newsletters and on/-offline events to connect, exchange and collaborate, and to revive memories and relationships with each other, supervisors, etc.
We are proud that the ISS PhD Alumni Association is the first alumni association within EUR that is dedicated to this hugely important group of alumni.