Using a caring approach to equalize research relationships

A Transformative Methodologies post on ISS blog BlISS
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Collaboration between researchers and those they engage with for their research is increasingly promoted as a way to address some of the epistemic injustices arising from the process of producing knowledge. So argues Marina Cadaval Narezo in this post on ISS blog BlISS.

Stepping back and allowing those we work with to shape research agendas and become intimately involved in the research process is an act of care, and the effects and benefits are tangible.

Care can be a thread that weaves together multiple and diverse actors, helping create a dense fabric of experiences through which researchers and those they work with can collectively, and in more equitable ways, make sense of the creative process.

Read the full post on ISS blog BlISS - Using a caring approach to equalise research relationships. 21 February 2022

PhD student
Marina Cadaval Narezo
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