Sanctions as the go-to tool: Do they work and what role for international law?

Spring meeting of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law
Royal Netherlands Society of International Law - KNVIR - logo

Professor Peter van Bergeijk from ISS and Professor Larissa van den Herik of Leiden University will give keynote lectures at the spring meeting of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law.

This hybrid event, held at the Humanity Hub in The Hague and online via Zoom considers the use of sanctions as a tool to deal with international crises.


Already before the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the stalemate in the UN Security Council increasingly led to a wave of unilateral sanctions. Economic sanctions may seem to have become the instrument of choice to deal with international crises, but the role of the UN Security Council has diminished.

Professor Peter van Bergeijk and Professor Larissa van den Herik (Leiden University) put the expanding sanctions practice into the perspectives of international relations and international law.

Do sanctions work at all? What drives their success and failure? Why is coordination of sanctions so difficult? Should international law have a more prominent role in governing sanctions?

Importantly, although targeted sanctions remain very present on the sanctions’ menu, there is again a trend towards the recomprehensivation of sanctions, a return to the more comprehensive sanctions of before. What is the future of the sanction instrument?

The speakers will each give a presentation of 20 minutes, followed by the opportunity to ask questions and a discussion.

When and where

Date and time: Tuesday 24 May 2022 from 16:00-18:00
Location: The Humanity Hub, Fluwelen Burgwal 58, 2511 CJ, The Hague, or online via Zoom


Please send an email to gro.rivnk@tcatnoc by 19 May 2022 indicating whether you would like to attend the meeting in person or online. If you are attending via Zoom, the link will be sent to the email you use for registration, unless you indicate otherwise.


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