Researching informal settlements, water diplomacy and the robotization of care

New project funding for ISS researchers

Shuaib Lwasa, Farhad Mukhtarov and Sreerekha Sathiamma have been awarded grants to develop their research proposals on resilience to shocks in informal settlements in Africa, EU water diplomacy in the South Caucasus and the robotization of care in Europe, respectively.

The seed grants will allow them to develop full research proposals.

  • Professor Shuaib Lwasa will develop his project on 'Resilience to shocks in informal settlements of African cities under increasing uncertainty: co-production for evidence-informed local to city level resilience strategies'.

    Funding came from the Erasmus Trustfund and will be used to organize workshops on how households in Kampala, Lagos and Nariobi respond to socioeconomic and environmental shocks.

    Professor Shuaib Lwasa
  • Dr Farhad Mukhtarov received the award for his 'Aspirations of EU Water Diplomacy in the South Caucasus' project.

    Funding was provided by the European University of Post-Industrial Cities (UNIC) and aims to set up a community of practice with members from UNIC cities and the larger Caucasus region to pursue engaged research and leverage EU water diplomacy in the South Caucasus.

    Farhad Mukhtarov
  • Dr Sreerekha Sathiamma wil use the award to develop her research on 'Robotization of care: The emerging scenario for care workers in Europe’s care economy'.

    Her research will look at robotic care in Europe from a social justice and political economy perspective, focussing on the experiences of care workers and addressing both the advantages and challenges involved.

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